Congressman Ted Lieu (D-Torrance/West Los Angeles) has been
one of my city councilmembers, my state assemblyman, my state senator.
Now he is my Congressman, representing me in one of the
richest, most liberal–and gerrymandered–Congressional districts in the country.
(I just can’t get rid of this guy!)
He has an enviable story and pedigree. He serves in the
national guard. He leaped from one elected office to the next.
He is the darling of the progressive Left, pushing every
liberal agenda imaginable. (Really! He actually banned tanning salon use for
The first day of his first year in Congress, Lieu tweeted
the following message on New Year’s Day:
(and my response):
Being #transgender is not a "mistake." It is the beautiful expression of what it means to be human. #LeelahAlcorn

— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) January 1, 2015

Before transgenderism was all the rage–and the source of
rage in conservative reality vs. dangerous and insipid fantasy, Lieu had taken
up the Transgender flag (yes, there is one!) and pushed for Tranny Rights,
along with “gay” rights and a host of other victimization causes.
The above tweet was one of the most offensive tweets I have
read from a politician–and he’s supposed to be my representative in Washington
Brief history lesson–I had to contend with Henry Waxman
before Lieu! UGH!
Does Congressman Lieu understand the health implication
which afflict individuals who insist that although they were born as one sex,
they are in fact another?
Leelah Alcorn, in reality a young male named Josh, struggled
with identity issues.
CNN reported:
The son’s suicide note read:

“Please don’t be sad, it’s for the better. The life I
would’ve lived isn’t worth living in … because I’m transgender,” the note said.
“I could go into detail explaining why I feel that way, but this note is
probably going to be lengthy enough as it is. To put it simply, I feel like a
girl trapped in a boy’s body, and I’ve felt that way ever since I was 4. I
never knew there was a word for that feeling, nor was it possible for a boy to
become a girl, so I never told anyone and I just continued to do traditionally
‘boyish’ things to try to fit in.”
One has to ask: how did he know that he was really a she
trapped in a boy’s body? The struggle to fit in, to define oneself, to
understand a place in life, these issues do not get resolved right away for
young people, and their minds are still developing.
Here’s a larger part of the problem. The issue has nothing
to do with the individual traditions or beliefs of families. The small-time
crisis of transgenderism is a health problem, a malady of identity. writer Walter Heyer shared the following
points on his website:
She (or he) confirms the point I made in my book, Paper
Genders–the brain hasn’t matured enough to make this decision until the person
reaches their mid-20s. So why would we encourage any child to undergo
“treatments” with such long-term consequences?
Young people are still trying to get answers in a world
which seems destined to occlude or even shame the pursuit of answers.

Young people who believe that they should change genders are
not demented or evil, but they need help. Creating another entitled minority
class called “transgender” is not only foolish and without merit, but
inherently dangerous, a form of biological insanity.
Walt Heyer, born male then altered to female, later returned
to himself.
Heyer notes that at a young age, he was abused by his
grandmother, who dressed him as a girl with a purple dress. Many men who
suffered abuse as children struggle to share this pain with others, whether
medical professionals, or their closest loved ones.
Transgenderism is a disorder, not “the beautiful expression
of what it means to be human.” The high (and rising number) of documented
incidences of depression, health problems, and even suicide associated with the
conversion should alarm concerned adults as well as legislators.
People are not mistakes, though, and they need real help.
They need to be encouraged to respect and embrace their born physical traits.
A male is born with XY chromosomes, and all the surgeries
and medicinal tampering cannot alter that.
And why should anyone tamper with it?!
Congressman Lieu and his like-minded regressive colleagues
must stop enabling mental disorders. Target stores are now allowing men into
women’s bathrooms. The illiberal, hyper-Democratic state legislature of
Massachusetts wants to do the same! This insanity is turning into codified
tyranny. Now is the time to stop the madness.
Lieu needs to cease our modern culture’s descent into moral
Enough is enough! This transgenderism movement is trying to
mainstream insanity and destroying lives in the process.
Tell Congressman Lieu to stop enabling dangerous,
dysfunctional, and deadly mental disorders! Now is the time for corporate
resistance to this destructive nonsense!
Washington, DC Office
Phone: (202) 225-3976
Los Angeles Office
Phone: (323) 651-1040
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