In a previous post, I wrote about the welcome coincidence of California MassResistance emerging–at just about this time.

Target stores are trying to remodel, and in many suburbs of Southern California, these department stores depend on middle-income shoppers, including soccer Moms and grandmas.

Now they have to contend with the fearful prospect of a man walking into the same bathroom as their daughters.


Since the Target Corporation announced their perverse transgender bathroom policy, millions of concerned customers have avoided the story.

1.3 million people have signed the American Family Association Petition to boycott the stores until they reverse this policy.

Target's stock has plummeted from $82 a share to $68, and still going down.

California MassResistance protested in front of a Torrance store two weeks in a row.

And today, they staged a large manifestation in front of the company's annual share holders meeting.

I arrived an hour and a half before the meeting, which was called for 9:00 am. One of the security staff immediately tried to scare me off, but after demonstrating with fellow activists in different causes, I know my rights, which include the right to peacefully assemble.

Shareholders from all over the world came to the Samueli Theater at the Segerstrom Center for the Performing Arts in Costa Mesa.

California MassResistance was ready for them.

Concerned citizens from throughout Southern California lined up along sidewalks in front of different entrances to the theater. Private security confronted a few of us early on, informing us that we have to stay off private property.

They did not–could not–prevent us from exercising our First Amendment rights.

Catholics, protestants, and all other patriots concerned about the downward spin of our country and culture lined up, bearings signs

And blaring out protests on bullhorns.

Raul Rodriguez and Robert Lauten brought their bullhorns to the event, which amplified the protests far and wide.

Residents from Torrance, San Bernardino, Orange, Westminster, and even as far away as Apple Vally descended upon the Arts Center to make their points: Target must rescind the destructive and immoral transbathroom and fitting room policies, or prepare for worse profit losses.

A number of assaults, invasions of privacy, and molestation have already taken place in Target bathrooms because of this political agenda.

Some member of the team came prepared with their signs, but we made sure that everyone could send the message to the corporation, not just for the shareholders, but for the media.

Reporters from the Orange County Register, Estrella, and Life Site News took down our comments: our reason for being their and what we wanted to see accomplished.

A report from Life Site News spoke with me, then with some of the shareholders.

Throughout the morning, different members of California MassResistance took turns blaring out on the bullhorns: "Boycott Target!" "Shame on Target!" "Women's Rooms for Women Only!"

Even though one of the reporters represented a Spanish-speaking media company, a few members of our group were able to explain who we are and our purposes. Later on in the morning, we all posed together to show our opposition.

Some of our team were reticent to explain our position on this issue beyond public safety, but to the disturbing and erroneous foundations of the transgenderism movement by itself. The truth is, however, that this fight is about much more than bathrooms and privacy.

The transgender agenda is about destroying families, and creating a more oppressive and dangerous society. Transgenderism is a disorder, and more members of our team have grown comfortable stressing both aspects of this perverse movement in corporate America as well as from the federal government.

One shareholder stopped to talk with us. She talked about a different set of problems with the company–copyright infringement–but she also signaled her support for the "progressive" policies put forth by Target's CEO.

Intermittently throughout the protest, men and women called out "Boycott Target!" Professionals working in other offices in the area followed what we were doing. A number of cars driving by honked in support.

Shareholders continued to walk by to their meeting. We disturbed no one, but sent the message loudly and clearly which they needed to communicate to their CEO and board of directors.

Despite the heated discussion that followed, California MassResistance's demonstrations remained peaceful and respectful.

Another pro-family, Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) lined up along the outer sidewalk. They carried the same signs which a protester had driven around the entire state of Minnesota:

About sixty protesters showed up, along with the media, to put pressure on the Target shareholders to reverse their misguided, immoral CEO's push into this transgender insanity.

Here, all the members of both groups joined together:

Before our team left for the day, two reporters from the Orange County Register interview us about why we were there. I sense that with one uestion, they wanted to create the impression that our group was unduly fearful of transgendered individuals.

I dissuaded that concern immediately, pointing out that we respect the needs of those who have gender dysphoria, but promoting a mental illness is not helping anyone.

Final Reflection

California MassResistance put together a great event, and it was a huge success.

Media advisories went out the night before, which ensured that the Target company and shareholders would feel the pressure–the shame!–to end their destructive, unnatural, and immoral transgender bathroom policy,

The larger number of people would not have been able to come without the help of fellow pro-family conservatives like Randy Thomasson of Save California, Craig Huey of Reality Alert/Election Forum, and of course MassResistance director Brian Camenker.

Pro-life, pro-family, and pro-liberty forces have the right arguments, the correct  moral standing.,

But they have not organized effectively. Many times, they have shied away from confrontation and controversy.

This time, using social media and email contacts, with proper targeting (no pun intended) and coordination, California MassResistance members showed up with strong numbers and promoted our attacks against Target.

Read more about our demonstrations here:

Orange County Register

Life Site News

We hope that our ongoing successful movements against the radical, anti-family homosexual and transgender agenda prove that our efforts to fight for our lives, or our children, and for pro-family values won't cost us too much, and in fact provide us with greater opportunities for success.

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