The Spanish-speaking Newsmedia in La Opinion and Univision have finally exposed the four Cudahy Corruptitos for the repeated suppression of public comment, along with their abuse of public funds, mismanagement of public resources, and outright disdain for their constituents.

Mayor Sanchez attempted to downplay the damning letter from the Los Angeles County District Attorney, Public Integrity Division.

First, he claimed that the DA's rebuke was actually premature, and that the office had released a retraction of some sort.

Nothing has been forthcoming from the Cudahy City Council at this time.

In fact, the reporter who exposed the city council's abuses pressed them on this matter.

Here is Mayor Baru Sanchez' letter and the reporter's response

(I have rendered the original article–published in Spanish–into English through a translation engine)

May 22, La Opinión published an article by our reporter
Araceli Martínez Ortega regarding the operation of the city of Cudahy.
Consequently, the mayor of this city sent a letter to the
editor, published below together with the response of the reporter.
Dear Editor:
The recently published article on alleged violations of the
Ralph M. Brown Act and public comment in the city of Cudahy is
incorrect and incomplete. Although  the
Attorney of Los Angeles County sent a letter
with recommendations to the city of Cudahy, later reported to indicate that the
letter may have been premature allegations. Attorney Los Angeles County he never
communicated with the city of Cudahy or prosecutor for review to determine the
position of the city.
This is a total lie. The DA's office received several complaints from residents in the city as well as local participants criticizing the city council for the sanctuary city policy.
There was no violation during public comments at meetings of
the City Council, because any disruption that occurs during that stage where
residents exercise their constitutional right to speak to your local
government, the clock is stopped so as not to penalize whoever is speaking. The
Brown Act does not penalize for interruptions during the stage of public
expression. To all who come to express their comments are given enough time
during their allotted time.

I submitted a video showing the city attorney repeatedly interrupting  me and other members of the audience demanding reasons why the city was passing another ordinance to change the location of the city council meetings. Sanchez forgets to mention that the council tried to call a number of special meetings at inopportune times of the day. Residents in the city have strongly suggested that the corrupt city council engages in these shady maneuvers to diminish public participation.
What the reporter does not indicate is that there are indeed
some members of the public who have used this expression time to personally
attack some councilors and thus disrupt the affairs of the city with the clear
intention to completely stop the city government. However, this situation does
not only happen in the City of Cudahy. One has only to see the personal attacks
carried out against the President of the Council of the City of Los Angeles or
against members of the Police Commission of the City of Los Angeles. The fact
is that members of the public abuse the system in an attempt to stop the city
government completely.
Members of the city council forget to mention that they rigidly cut down the times and periods for public comment. They also neglect to acknowledge their poor decision making, the lack of transparency, the budget deficits and the looming bankruptcy threatening the city.
Sanchez also forgets to tell the report about the routine abuses they levy against Councilman Jack Guerrero. 
While we in the City of Cudahy respect the right of free
expression and the right to petition your government, we are also aware that
the role of government should work for all and the simple act to continue
driving city business should not be interrupted by a group of fanatics who only
seek to completely stop the function of local government.

That is the term Baru Sanchez uses to describe the residents, the voters, the taxpayers in the city of Cudahy.
Baru Sanchez, CPA
Mayor, City of Cudahy
The report of the story, Araceli Ortega:
Dear mayor of Cudahy:
We would be grateful if you could send copies of official
letters of the Attorney of Los Angeles County that said the Brown Act
violations were made based on premature accusations.
I can give Ms, Ortega the answer to this request. There are none.

Baru Sanchez, sworn in as mayor

"Reducing times joints Council has gradually given to
allow end issues of the agenda: In the written report either version of
neighbors like you in responding to the criticism, saying included and not to
prolong the joints until dawn. "
"We respect the right of expression but asked to do so
with respect and without shouting."
I even asked him to send me in writing the statements you
want to be included in the second part of the story but were not received

The reporter wanted to provide both sides of the story, but the Cudahy Corruptitos do not have another side. They are the ones lying, they are the ones abusing their local authority, attacking residents, ignoring federal law, and abusing public funds.
They need to go. Period.
Cudahy's next city council meeting is June 13th, 2016.
More residents of the city are furious with their perverse lack of leadership, their incessant pandering to private vendors and the Democratic political machine at the expense of the residents.
"Fanatics?" Really?!
Ustedes son mentirosos!
You are liars!
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