I received the following message through one of the fan pages I operate.

I am publishing these comments with the permission of the author:

As a first generation immigrant, I was always for we fixing
our existing laws and limiting the number of immigrants. We need to get rid of
the quota based policy. Only based on merits.
New citizen–and Trump supporter
My daughter Anna became a citizen on Friday, June 17th of
2016. Registered to vote as a Republican.
Another Trump supporter
My daughter started to live here in the US since she was 6
years old. We lived in a very quiet city of Vero Beach, very traditional
community with nice schools.
Anna was able to blend in right away. English became her
first language only few year later.
She is a top student at her law school (it's her last year),
works at a prominent law firm, a person of very strong convictions , a good
Christian. I can assure you, that she is a success story and I feel I didn't
waste my life and my career by immigrating to this wonderful country of ours
The immigration officer, that had the last interview with
her was extremely surprised, that Anna went through "the whole
process"… Yes, it took almost 14 years from the time when I applied for
her adjustment of status from L2 visa (family member of a foreign business
owner)… 3 times her papers were lost. In 2007 an immigration officer, a man
of a Caribbean decent with a hard to understand English, was struggling for 25
minutes and still could not understand, that my son Robert and my daughter are
siblings, and not husband and wife. At the end of the interview he was upset,
embarrassed and angry and said he does not have time for us and he, of
course,  eventually "lost" our
papers for the last time. Even his supervisor could not help, said we will call
us later. They never did. I had to apply again.
This is a world we live in. Meantime, our current leaders
are bringing in millions of Muslims, allowing people that broke our basic laws
to stay and enjoy benefits generated by the taxpayers… 
Very upsetting!
I am of an Armenian background, was a citizen of Russian
federation, have a PhD in Political Science, spend many years working as a
Soviet instructor in Cairo and Libya. I am sure you understand  how my blood is
boiling, when I see what this disgrace in the White House is doing to the world
and to our phenomenal country.

May God bless you and please keep fighting.
Vachagan Robert Yengibaryan
Vachagan Robert Yengibaryan
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