Illegal immigration hurts everyone.

The disastrous open border policies of Washington elites are particularly harmful to working blacks and Latinos.

Republicans need to champion secure borders, not immigration "reform."

City leaders need to care about citizens.

Concerned Citizens of Inglewood –
Denounce Leadership in Inglewood

6/13/16 Inglewood City Hall –
Inglewood, CA

Preliminary Report by Robin Hvidston

Chanell Temple and Herbert Baker
organized a demonstration and a drop-in visit to the office of Inglewood Mayor
James Butts  as well as a visit to the Inglewood Police Station.

A reporter with Los Angeles
National Public Radio station KPCC covered the event.

Photo of the demonstration in front of the Inglewood City Hall

The mayor's staff was surprised
 NOT pleased when the group entered the mayor's office.

One staff member immediately
announced that  she was not to be photographed. The KPCC reporter was
recording during the exchange and in a hostile manner, she asked for the
reporter's name – and wrote it down on an official sheet of paper.

The Inglewood Assistant City
Manager met with the group and said the mayor was not in the office. He spoke
with Chanell and Herbert and indicated that a meeting with the mayor would be
scheduled.  Chanell read the list of grievances, out loud, to the mayor's
staff members – a copy of the document she read is at the end of this

The Assistant City Manager asked
when Chanell would like to meet with the mayor, and Chanell requested the
following week. The staff member obtained contact information from both Herbert
and Chanell. 

After leaving the mayor's office,
members of the group stopped by the Inglewood Police Department to request a
meeting with the police chief.

**This is a preliminary report
and the official report  will follow.

PRESS FOR RELEASE: June 13, 2016
Media Contact: Herbert Baker –
Telephone: (562)

Concerned Citizens of
Inglewood – Denounce Leadership in Inglewood

Location: Inglewood City Hall
1 Manchester Blvd.
Inglewood, CA. 90301

Date: June 14, 2016

Time: 10 a.m.

Black Citizens in Inglewood are
concerned about not being Represented by Tax-Paid Officials and the Leadership
in Inglewood. There have been attempts made to communicate with certain
Inglewood Officials and nothing has happened.

Black Inglewood Citizens are
expressing their concerns about the following problems:

No Representation from Local
Officials in regards to our concerns.

Safety of Citizens and their
family members.

Incarceration of Black Citizens
and family members.

Inglewood attack team is in
violation of Civil and Human Rights.

The destruction of our Black
Community with harassment tactics on a daily basis.

Lack of Jobs for Blacks and signs
of Racial Discrimination from employers in Inglewood.

Benefits being denied but given
to others (after Blacks have worked for decades).

Mass illegal Immigration and the
effect it has on our Black Community.

No assistance from the Inglewood
or the local Government, but millions of dollars are being spent to assist
their special interest groups.

 We have had Enough and we
want our grievances heard, we want opened communication.

Blacks in Inglewood have NO
Recourse but to file grievances concerning the above issues. We will continue
to take action and file grievances until our voices are heard. Inglewood has
received decades of Tax money from Black Citizens and now refuse to hear our
grievances concerning our Civil and Human Rights.


Final Reflection

Conservatives, Republicans, pro-Trump supporters, and patriotic activists are pushing back against the broken, yet brazenly corrupt Democratic Political machine.

Inglewood, once a thriving community, is struggling through the anemic economic recovery. Black residents feel no respect or caring from their city leaders.

Instead of feeling disenfranchised, We the People Rising are fighting back and righting wrongs which never should have been perpetrated.

What's particularly important about We the People Rising's latest outreach–they are helping members of the Black Community, too.

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