Aunt Janice is at it again,

The woman has no integrity, not ingenuity, and no capacity to stand up for issues that matter to voting people, to the San Pedrans whom she claimed to represent for years.

Hahn is more than social climber, she is a political mountaineer with no regard for those she steps on while on her way to the top.

After three terms in Congress, where the process is "broken" — because she is in the minority party where she belongs, she is running back to Los Angeles to sit on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

This past week, she further demonstrated her irrelevance by sitting on the floor of the House of Representatives to protest gun violence, and demand a floor vote on the gun bill.

Guns for me, but not for thee!

So, instead of fighting against terrorism, or tackling the insurmountable national debt, or repealing Obamacare, or expanding individual worker opportunities …

Aunt Janice sat on her ass and did nothing for nearly an entire day.

The elitist, arrogant hypocrisy gets worse. Dozens of the same House reps own guns themselves, or they rely on armed security.

Of course, this was no real sit-in. They were not protesting for their rights, as much as they were fighting to take away yours and mine.

They were not the hard-core advocates that the media tries to play them up to be, either.

Along with the rest of her illiberal caucus, Aunt Janice got something to eat, catering brought Chik-Fil-A brought some goodies. I wonder what the the LGBT caucus thought of this rank hypocrisy!

Here's more information about what she is proposing to do this Monday.

From the Daily Breeze about Congresswoman Janice Hahn:

Democratic Rep. Janice Hahn will bring a taste of the recent
House sit-in over gun control to her district on Monday.
Hahn, D-San Pedro, will be joined by local community members
at a sit-in from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday at Port of Los Angeles High School, 250
W. Fifth St., San Pedro.

The 25-hour sit-in on the floor of the House of
Representations was held to demand passage of stricter gun laws in the wake of
the Orlando terrorist massacre.

Now she wants to expand her laziness to San Pedro, again.

Doesn't she know that San Pedrans are the scrappiest bunch in the South Bay?

Union members, Democrats, gun-owners by and large love their firearms–because they love their rights, chief of which is the right to self-preservation.

Stop the Second Amendment Hate, Aunt Janice!

I urge every South Bay citizen, countryman, and particularly every Second Amendment advocate to join Aunt Janice at her gun-grab sit-in, and tell her to SIT ON IT!

Port of Los Angeles High School,
250 W. Fifth St., San Pedro. CA 90731
Monday, June 27th, 2016 — 5:30-7:30 p.m

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