The Hillary Clinton nomination is a milestone, or should I wrote “millstone”.
Not that there is much to the flighty,
ooey-gooey, namby-pamby liberal narrative.
Yeah, yeah the Democratic Party nominated their first woman to be
their standard-bearer. The liberal media, the political machines, the corrupt
Democratic National Committee all lined up their support behind this domestic
despot. What is wrong with these people? She’s been under FBI investigation,
she can’t handle emails, she can’t tell the truth, even when it doesn’t hurt
And she’s a disgrace to all pantsuit wearers everywhere.

And yet …
For the past eight years, the “people”
(read those high-minded elitists who only care what Hollywood thinkgs), the
political pundits, and the press corps have agitated for the first woman
She's an old bag.
She's corrupt.
She is thoroughly untrustworthy.
She is a trite treacle who can’t pretend to have fun, even with
lots of balloons following down all around her.
For the regressive Democratic base—the socialists,
the moochers, the Millenials on their sixth year toward earning a four-year
degree, she reeks of everything that is wrong with Washington, with politics in
general, and the state of this nation.
She is just wrong.
Whatever happened to the will of the voters,
of the individual citizen?
Young activists who crowded around Sanders
absolutely despise Hillary Clinton. They do not trust her, they do not like
So, we have the first major party female
Presidential nominee.
Ho Hum.
She's a scumbag.
Reason Magazine released an
epic take-down
 of the First
Woman Nominee frenzy.
Bernie supporters are still clearly unimpressed that
the Democratic Party wanted their nominee to have a vagina.
How about
the re-appropriated (misappropriated) Fight Song?
 This petty little ditty celebrated the
Clinton cash-in from Superdelegates and illegal backroom dealings from DNC Chairwoman
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

The song starts out with one singer
saying: "Dumb, Dumb, Dum-Dum-Dumb."
Tres apropos.
Then the sickening Brittany Spears,
wannabe American Idol caramel schmaltz splurges out.
These C-list actors (definitely not
singers) ruined a great song promoting an ever greater fraud.
Check out some of the comments in the
YoutTube comment section:
"Honestly I couldn't decide which was
worse – Trump or Hillary. But it's clear that Trump supporters would never do
something as cringey as this. Crooked Hillary is worse. Honestly I would have
supported Bernie.


This comment brought some proper
historical perspective:
"America take a bow, we're about to show the world that women
are equal now"…. You do realise that there have been TONNES of women
heads of state, right? By far, America isn't the first to have a woman
president/prime minister. America isn't breaking grounds on that front

Another truth bomb:
"I've never seen a group of people so
firmly embrace a categorically false narrative.

How about this one:
"This prissy, f*ggy and fake
optimistic Hollywood sh*t doesn't work anymore! People are sick of Obama's

Prescient. This comment should freak out
Hillary fanatics, too:
"It's videos like these that are
gonna make people vote for Trump in DROVES.

News flash—more people are voting for Donald Trump in droves.
The song sucks, not because of the music,
but because of the musty, crusty establishment hag whose praises they are singing.
What planet are these illiberal weirdos
living in?
This comment sums it up:
"All this song proves
is that Clinton is the candidate of the bourgeoisie and Hollywood elitists. No
wonder the working class supports Donald Trump.

Here’s a few more, just for Real America’s amusement:
Media Forcing down our
throats more liberal bullsh*t

“This is so pretentious and awful. Look at all these rich famous
people singing the most generic song possible.

The Trite, deeply unpopular "Fight Song"

This critic suggested a different line-up of singers:
They should have got more of Clinton’s friends on this song.
Like convicted child rapist Jeffrey Epstein.
Or the child rapist Hillary got free in 1975.
Damn, what is it with them and child rape?!
Clinton and Co. should have invited Gerry
Studs. Or at least Mark Rich, the tax-dodging oil magnate who received a pardon
after giving them “Clinton Cash”?
Hard-core leftists did not hold back their disdain for Hillary’s
Trite Song, either:
“I definitely lean to the left politically, but this is total
Who says liberals have no taste?
Social media is trying to rescue Hillary’s sinking ship, though.
But more people are catching on:
“Am I the only one who notices all the opposing comments that were
here yesterday with hundreds of likes have been DELETED???

But there is good news.
Still, Hillary's stolen crown will free this country from the
deadening effects of the gender card and identity politics all around.
A woman has achieved a milestone, which has turned into a
tombstone. The identity politics of the 1970s, which corroded our political discourses
from the 1980’s till now, is falling apart.

Get over it, liberal America. A woman won
a high-class nomination, and no one wants her. They want character, not just XX
Liberal and conservative voters are no
longer going to get excited just because a candidate checks off one box on the
minority card. Democrats need to recognize that a black, brown (or gay)
candidate is not going to matter, especially when their token treasure is all
trash. For the Democrats, all the gender-ethnic-minority boxes have been
checked off, and now they’re getting chucked out. Voters, even the most
ardently statist and left-leaning, want someone who really believes what they
run on, that they can believe in.
Not the color of their skin, but the content of the character, and
the core of their message is what counts.

With that, let me leave you with my own spin on the DNC’s Trite
Like a leaky boat on the ocean, Hillary’s going down.
Someone light a match, and watch an obsence explosion.
This is my fight song, Hilary’s not right song.
And I don’t really care if no one else believes

Because I’ve still got some self-respect in me.
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