Third-party candidates are majoring
in muddying the waters again in our electoral politics. Minor parties have
shaped major party platforms, and they have played spoiler in very contentious
races. George W. Bush would have lost Florida, but for Green Party Ralph Nader
stealing enough votes from Al Gore. I cannot imagine what this country would
have looked like with the former Clinton VP standing up to the rising hordes of
radical Islam in the Middle East.
Thanks, Ralph.
For election
2016, third-party bids might derail a Trump win…or Hillary’s chances. The Green
Party is cleaning up Bernie voters, trashed by Madam Hillary and her Clinton
Clash kleptocracy  in the DNC. Despite the purges of high-echelon DNC
strategists (Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the CEO, etc.), the progressive Left is
leaving the Democrats for the Greens. 
Republicans, limited government conservatives, and just plain anti-Trump
upstarts are checking out Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party ticket. The
former governor of New Mexico, twice elected in spite of establishment
opposition in a blue state, is bandying himself as a perfect
conservative-limited government foil to Trump and a palatable alternative to
the offensive, corrupt, and just plain dishonest Hillary Clinton.
There may be
something to their campaign. Or maybe not.
This year,
the Libertarian Party presidential candidates were featured in their own kind
of prime-time primary debates. I wanted McAfee to win, a business owner with
true knowledge and capacities for liberty. John Stossel’s incredible
contributions as a libertarian journalist were particularly helpful for
discerning among the top three for the top Libertarian ticket.
I appreciate the libertarian
position on many issues. The size and scope of the state should be limited,
although not outright removed. Libertarians are not anarchists, by the way. The
least restrictive environment is their calling card. I want to end the federal
War on Drugs, and let the states handle the drug issues. 
I respect Johnson’s record in New
Mexico. Susanna Martinez would not be seated in the Santa Fe Mansion without
the work Johnson had done before her. I cannot speak as highly for William
Weld, the Libertarian VP pick.
And that’s
only the start of the problem.
columnist Guy Benson shared some
disturbing conflicts
with Republicans for Gary Johnson. There are
other glaring platform stances from the Johnson-Weld ticket which should make
conservative stump for Trump, even if they have to hold their noses.
  1. When it comes to freedom of conscience and the First Amendment, Johnson is
    a total statist. He exposed his anti-Libertarian underpinnings during one
    debate, when Johnson declared that Christian bakers, florists, and other
    entrepreneurs should be forced to provide services for a homosexual
    wedding. This is outrageous! California is fighting off a corrosive
    anti-First Amendment legislation, which is essential turning homosexual
    behavior and transgenderism into enshrined civil rights, at the expense of
    individual liberty. Johnson would be the icing on the not-so-free cake.
  2. Can any true libertarian stand behind a candidate so contrary to their views?
    For the record, Trump has asserted that he will protect freedom of conscience,
    and even signaled his intent to repeal the (Lyndon Baines) Johnson Amendment, a
    subversive section of the tax code which has muzzled churches from advocating
    for candidates and causes over the past six decades.
 Critics have noted that Johnson lines up 73 percent of the time with
“Weekend at Bernie” Sanders. Conservatives who fear that culture issues
like marriage and abortion are weighing down the Republican ticket should
think again. Pro-life is surging, and Christian counter-mentum to LGBT
bullying has gained strength. People might not trust Trump on cultural
issues, but they should turn down Johnson immediately.
1. On
immigration, Johnson has signed onto Obama’s executive amnesty which the
Supreme Court struck down. But his mouthy running mate William Weld
compared the construction of a border wall to the Berlin Wall. Bad
history, unjustified morality. Weld also believes rounding and deporting
illegals is just like Nazi Germany’s purge of Jewish citizens from cities
to concentration camps. Those comparisons are odious, invidious, and
reprehensible to the millions of Americans’ decent expectation for secure
borders and enforced immigration laws.
2. Johnson
blames the drug war and law enforcement’s connection to it for the sharp
rise in police shootings, especially of blacks. Politico reports:
“But poor relations between police and African-Americans stems from the
criminalization of drug use, he said.”
He says
nothing about the destruction of the family, nothing about the negative
consequences of welfarism in black communities, and nothing about the
detrimental urban policies of inner-city Democratic politicians.
He has also applauded Black
Lives Matter
 for their
efforts. Ugh. #BlackLivesMatter gets all the respect, when our peace officers
are getting shot in the back by politicians and thugs? I don’t want this man in
the White House putting more public safety officers’ lives at risk.
Now, about
William Weld, Johnson’s VP nom:
  1. He’s
    an arrogant liberal who destroyed the Massachusetts Republican Party. I
    have worked with concerted, connected conservative activists in the Bay
    State, and they have utter contempt for this guy. 
  2. To
    this day, Weld is a cheerful gun-control enthusiast, but would let hunters
    keep their rifles. The Second Amendment is not for hunting little ducks,
    but politicians when they try to take your rights away (hat tip, Bob
  3. Weld
    is actually a big government extremist who resorted to state power for
    environmental protection and expanded the social safety net in
    Massachusetts. How are these views libertarian?
While some
disaffected Republicans may not like Trump, and no one would dissuade their
dissatisfaction, they should be horrified at a Johnson-Weld administration.
Just say No
to LINO (Libertarian in Name Only) Gary
Johnson and his partner in big government crime William Weld!
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