Last month, I wrote that California is the land of fruits and nuts.

But with what unaccountable,
entitled legislators are doing now, California is becoming one rocky horror
show (Forget Tim Curry, and forgo the music).

There is nothing funny about the
anti-life, anti-liberty bent of what California Democrats are dreaming up.

Homosexual marriage has been forced
on Californians by judicial fiat, even though the voters had affirmed natural
marriage in the state constitution—and in a presidential year, no less. “Transgendered”
youth can use the same restrooms and changing rooms as their peers. Today,
children as young as the second grade will be learning about major figures in
LGBT History. San Francisco beat the state school board to this “milestone,” offering a gay studies course as an elective last

Read that again: California’s youth
are learning about historical figures because of their alternative private
lives? The only good news that has emerged from this assault on life, liberty,
and reality is that more parents are removing their kids from government
schools. The malaise of cultural Marxism is destroying California.

And who is the latest Democratic
ringleader for this corrupt carnival?
State Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell
Gardens), an anchor baby born to illegal aliens in East Los Angeles. By taking
in family members, his parents were not only enabling illegal immigration, but
also child molestation. One of the illegals in their safe house repeatedly
abused Lara as a child. Though he denies it, that abuse would distort his
identity and sexuality. Listen
to his disturbing story (and his equally unsettling take on it) here

Today, Lara is the biggest promoter
of the open borders lobby … and the oppressive LGBT agenda. While Lara’s tragic
childhood should awaken pity, but why should the entire state of California
suffer for his personal hurts? Why are our rights being molested and abused?

His latest iteration against us?
Lara’s destructive, anti-First Amendment bill SB 1146, which fired off the rage
and outrage of an enraged California public, whether Democrat or Republican.

To recap:

SB 1146 is a drastic, officious limitation on the First
, particularly targeting Christian colleges. Currently,
these schools claim a justified exemption from Title IX of the Civil Rights
Act, which prohibits discrimination based on sex. The premise for these
exemptions rests on separating men and women in their living quarters, as well
as opening up specific studies and professions (like the priesthood) to men

The Title IX code is facing
unprecedented distortions from the Obama Administration, working at the behest
of the vulgar, virulent homosexual lobby in the state. Discrimination based on
“sex” is now being twisted to mean “sexual orientation” or “gender identity”.
This is Orwellian nonsense.
Confucius warned his students: “When
words lose their meaning, men lose their liberty.”

How true that is with Lara’s
nefarious SB 1146.

This bill would limit Title IX
exemptions to expressly religious studies and vocational training. The bill
would require all Christian colleges to publish to prospective students their
exemption status.
This bill would also open up those
colleges to lawsuits from any students allying with the LGBT movement to claim

This is outrageous! Students who
engage in same-sex conduct or adopt a gender identity not in conformity with
their DNA should know that Christian colleges are not going to accommodate
these unsound behaviors in the first place! The legislation is inherently
discriminatory—against people of faith, against institutions based on Biblical
teaching and preaching.

This legislation is also the LGBT
agenda’s foot in the door to force everyone to accommodate it, or be silenced.
Imagine Christian colleges up and down the state shut down or forced to move
out! And don’t think that this aggressive perversion won’t force its way into
private high schools, elementary schools, and even homeschool programs. and The Daily Signal have commented on the disparate,
desperate impact of this misguided legislation. Readers need to know that
California’s Christians, conservatives, and concerned citizens (not all of us
are fruits are nuts) are fighting back.

Christian universities—from Biola
University to William Jessup University in Rocklin and other religious
institutions, are already raising the alarm, demanding the removal of this
offensive bill.
For the past two months, California
MassResistance (working under the leadership and aid of Brian Camenker’s pro-confrontational
activist group MassResistance) has staged protests outside of Lara’s
office—twice. Members of our team in Northern California confronted the state
assembly judiciary committee, which passed the legislation along a party-line
vote (with one Republican abstaining out of fear of upsetting his political
alliances with Equality (in name only) California.)

I join with the brave woman from
Omaha, Nebraska, who blasted the school board’s arrogant push for transgender
bathrooms in the public schools: “When is enough going to be enough?”
California MassResistance is
bringing a full-court press against this legislative travesty.

Activists have put the pressure on
lawmakers throughout the state: from Assemblyman Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) to
David Hadley (R-Torrance).

City councils have gotten involved
too (Biola’s home in La Mirada, along with heavily Hispanic Cudahy) to issue
resolutions in opposition to this terrible bill.

More good news: two Democrats—yes,
liberals elected to partisan office in California—area bucking with their
party’s political machine and voting for individual liberty and civil rights.
Thank you, Patty Lopez and Jimmy Gomez!

From Judiciary, this legislation has
stalled before the Appropriations Committee. At the August 3rd hearing,
the committee moved the bill to the suspense file, where they will rehear the
bill on August 11th. The bill must pass out or die. We are fighting
for the latter.

California MassResistance will
engage in one more round of protests this week, including state assembly
majority leader Ian Calderon (from the infamous, corrupted Montbello political

If you live in California, contact
me. We need every help to put the final kill on SB 1146. What happens in
California wont’ stay here. For the first time, conservatives can set the trend
to end the national assault on the First Amendment.
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