State Senator Ricardo Lara has aroused the ire of many constituents.
His State Senate Facebook page is filled with comments from constituents outraged with his offensive, unjust attacks on the First Amendment, as well as his corrupt attempts to declare war on biology and minority students seeking a good education.
SB 1146 was anything but well-received.
Check out his posts on Facebook, and the comments which follow from readers.
LARA: Any college or university receiving state funds should be restricted
from discriminating against students on the basis of their gender identity or
sexual orientation.
And here were the comments:
Susan Curran Lee Sir you were elected to represent all the people of your district and state. Your championing against faith based schools and their code of conduct if same sex students don't want to follow a code of conduct that is their right and there are amazing colleges in your state that do not have such a code. The tolerance you seem to practice ignores hundreds of students willing to submit to a code of conduct. I am tired of tolerance and laws that favor a small percentage and ignore the rest tolerance is a two sided coin I listen to you and you listen to me and we respect each other! Your actions show you are a one sided legislature only
ignoring laws already there .
If a student willingly chooses a university they do so willing to submit to the rules if they don't want to go somewhere else. You seem to also hold the same views with illegals within our country there are laws and procedures already in place for a path of citizenship. Perhaps your time would be better spent helping illegals and students not wanting to follow rules help them find a school and illegals the nearest place to fill out papers to become citizens!!! Lead in the way of excellence and helping all your voting base!!!
This young man laid out very clear religious objections to Lara's bigotry:
Here were more comments on that one thread:
Ramon Lopez Senator Ricardo Lara: I apreciate your interest to fight against discrimination, but in this bill where you are trying to decrease the religious exemptions, you are working backwards. One of the most fundamental rights for which our country become independent and had continuously protected is the freedown of religion. We can not advance any other discrimination protection by supresing the most fundamental right freedown of religion. I urge you to reject any laws that suppresses our most fundamental right "freedown of religion." Respectfully I ask Senator Benjamin Hueso, Assembly membersJoaquin Arambula, Rocky J Chavez, and the future Governor Lorena Gonzalez to protect our freedom of religion at any cost.
Someone needs to let Ramon know that The Democratic members of the state assembly caved to the homosexual lobby.
And more:
Martin Calle Do you not have enough things to do with our time than waste the public's time and money on frivolous and harmful legislation impacting religious freedom. You are making much ado about nothing only to make a name for yourself. #Politicians #SB1146 We segment society because some people have standards and beliefs. Deal with it and adjust. #GrowUp and learn how to live with people who hold dear beliefs and standards different than your own rather than tearing their beliefs down and weakening America with legislated political correctness. #RicardoLara your type of legislation is why everyone will elect #DonaldTrump and make America great again. Legislation is not an equalizer. Stop using it as such and you will spend your time more productively on things that matter.
And also this. These were the most caustic, and brutally honest:
How about these comments?
Final Reflection:
Let's face it.
Ricardo Lara is all wrong about this terrible "bill".
It's destructive.
It's abusive.
It's contrary to the basic tenets of our country!