California MassResistance!

SB 1136 has passed out of the state assembly.

Don't think it was easy.

The arm-twisting and cajoling it took to pass was incredible.

The statehouse was absolutely shocked that the bill failed on the first vote!

Read more about it here.

So …

SB 1146 is now heading toward the California State Senate
for another vote.
The final tally in the State Assembly:

Voting YES on SB 1146 were 44
Democrats and 1 Republican:

Luis Alejo
Toni Atkins

Catharine Baker (R)
Richard Bloom
Susan Bonilla
Rob Bonta
Autumn Burke
Ian Calderon
Nora Campos
Ed Chau
David Chiu
Kansen Chu
Jim Cooper
Matthew Dababneh
Tom Daly
Bill Dodd
Susan Eggman
Bill Frazier
Cristina Garcia
Eduardo Garcia
Mike Gatto
Mike Gipson
Jimmy Gomez
Lorena Gonzalez
Richard Gordon
Roger Hernandez
Chris Holden

Marc Levine
Evan Low
Kevin McCarty
Jose Medina
Kevin Mullin
Patrick O’Donnell
Bill Quirk
Anthony Rendon

Freddie Rodriguez
Miguel Santiago
Mark Stone
Tony Thurmond
Philip Ting
Shirley Weber
Das Williams
Jim Wood

Voting NO on SB 1146
were 25 Republicans and 3 Democrats

See the Republicans’ contact numbers

Katcho Achadjian
Travis Allen

Joaquin Arambula (D)
Frank Bigelow
William Brough
Ling Ling Chang
Rocky Chavez
Brian Dahle
Beth Gaines
James Gallagher
Shannon Grove
David Hadley
Matthew Harper
Jacqui Irwin (D)
Brian Jones
Young Kim
Tom Lackey
Eric Linder
Brian Maienschein
Devon Mathis
Melissa Melendez
Jay Obernolte
Jim Patterson

Rudy Salas (D)
Marc Steinorth
Donald Wagner
Marie Waldron
Scott Wilk

Not voting either way on SB
1146 were 5 Democrats and 2 Republicans

Cheryl Brown (D)
Ken Cooley (D)
Adam Gray (D)
Patty Lopez (D)
Chad Mayes (R)
Adrin Nazarian (D)
Kristin Olsen (R)

As a reminder, your hard work paid off in large measure,
because State Senator Ricardo Lara was forced to remove two of the most onerous
portions of the bill.
As the legislation stands, though, it is still a bad bill,
and one which we can kill.
The forced publication requirements are discriminatory,
designed to set up Christian Colleges for harassment and future lawsuits.
Senator Lara will return with a more radical, abusive bill at the next legislative

There is more good news.

Sources in the state capital have informed me that the state senate may actually vote this bill down or not even pass it:

The status of SB 1146 is that it has been “ordered to Senate.” However,
it is not yet on the Senate schedule for a concurrence vote.  They have though next Wednesday to vote on

They have until the end of the month, and with more pressure from grassroots groups like California MassResistance, we scan stop it!
I’ve thought anew and believe there is a more than a hypothetical
possibility that it could be defeated in the Senate. I say we may have a 10-15%
chance, but if a) the deciding vote Democrats read the latest analysis, b) up to 4
Republicans speak on the floor using the recent analysis, and c) Leno doesn’t speak and
even purposefully abstains, there could be a historic, unexpected victory. I
believe there is no harm in trying as long as we tell people there is a chance
based on the older years that most senators have, where even the Democrats
remember “separation of church and state,” that this is a “new” issue of taking
religious territory, and – this is a must — that they didn’t know what they
were voting on the first time, on May 26.
26 Democrats, 21 votes required to pass bills
26 Mendoza
25 Hueso
24 Galgiani
23 Pan
22 Leyva
21 Roth
– – – – – –
20 Pan
19 Lui
18 Hancock
17 Block
16 Pavley
15 Wolk
Leno (who dropped from being a co-author)

Hall (I talked with him and gave him literature / plus black Christians
in Los Angeles could put on pressure)

What is particularly interesting is that Mark Leno, one of the most active and radical homosexuals in the state legislature, pulled his support for this bill!
Incredible. Will Leno hold his nose for a compromise?
We are urging all California voters—and all other defenders
of religious liberty, to call the State Senate, both their leadership as well
as the individual members:
the State Senate leaders, too, and tell them to stop SB 1146!

President Pro Tempore Kevin De Leon: (916) 651-4024
Majority Leader Bill Monning: (916) 651-4017
Majority Whip Lois Wolk: (916) 651-4003

Here is a list of current Senators.

Benjamin Allen (D): (916) 651-4026
Joel Anderson (R): (916) 651-4038
Patricia C. Bates (R): (916) 651-4036
Jim Beall (D): (916) 651-4015
Tom Berryhill (R): (916) 651-4008
Marty Block (D): (916) 651-4039
Anthony Cannella (R): (916) 651-4012
Kevin de León (D): (916) 651-4024
Jean Fuller (R):(916) 651-4016
Ted Gaines (R): (916) 651-4001
Senator Cathleen Galgiani
Cathleen Galgiani (D): (916) 651-4005
Steven M. Glazer (D): (916) 651-4007
Isadore Hall, III (D): (916) 651-4035
Loni Hancock (D): (916) 651-4009
Ed Hernandez (D): (916) 651-4022
Robert M. Hertzberg (D): (916) 651-4018
Jerry Hill (D): (916) 651-4013
Ben Hueso (D): (916) 651-4040
Bob Huff (R): (916) 651-4029
Hannah-Beth Jackson (D): (916) 651-4019
Ricardo Lara (D): (916) 651-4033
Mark Leno (D): (916) 651-4011
Connie M. Leyva (D): (916) 651-4020
Carol Liu (D): (916) 651-4025
Mike McGuire (D): (916) 651-4002
Tony Mendoza (D): (916) 651-4032
Holly J. Mitchell (D): (916) 651-4030
Bill Monning (D): (916) 651-4017
John M. W. Moorlach (R): (916) 651-4037
Mike Morrell (R): (916) 651-4023
Janet Nguyen (R): (916) 651-4034
Jim Nielsen (R): (916) 651-4004
Richard Pan (D): (916) 651-4006
Fran Pavley (D): (916) 651-4027
Richard D. Roth (D): (916) 651-4031
Jeff Stone (R): (916) 651-4028
Andy Vidak (R): (916) 651-4014
Bob Wieckowski (D): (916) 651-4010
Lois Wolk (D): (916) 651-4003

call your State Senator and tell them to vote NO on SB 1146!

Use this link to look up your representatives.

Contact Governor Brown's office, too, and
tell him to VETO SB 1146!

Governor Jerry Brown
Office of the Governor
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Email: Click here.
Sign this petition against SB 1146, and share it with
friends, family, church leaders, with members of your Bible study and local
church congregation!
Your efforts are greatly appreciated! Keep up the pressure,
and let’s send the message loud and clear to Sacramento:
“Leave our First Amendment rights alone! Vote No on SB 1146!"
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