August 20th, 2016.

 There I was, at the 3rd Street Promenade in the People's Republic of Santa Monica.

Roger Hilmer of West Los Angeles was leading a voter registration drive to get California voters signed up … and to vote for Donald Trump.

Love him or hate him, his a stark improvement to Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, and even Jill Stein.

I was not sure what to expect, standing along a sidewalk where easily 90% of the travelers were liberal Democrats, or at least Donald Trump haters.

And the first person who spoke to me …

Was from San Diego, had moved to Santa Monica.

She needed to register for her new location.

She is a Donald Trump supporter!

So far, so good!

Roger seemed to be having more fun on the Eastern (right) side of the 3rd Street Promenade, so I joined him.

He had the "Hillary for Prison" shirt.

Next time, I will come better dressed.

Within five minutes, two young ladies approached us and asked "Why does he have a 'Hillary for Prison' T-shirt?"

They actually believed that Crooked Hillary committed no crime when she did nothing for the four diplomats in Benghazi, when she mishandled classified information on a private e-mail server, and the fact that she and her perverse husband have been running an international money-laundering scheme through their "charity" foundation.

They were really not interested in listening to the truth about how Crooked Hillary really is.

I got a few of their comments as they walked away from me:

"God bless Donald Trump, and you'r fired!"

Their answer? "F—k You!"

How about that for love and tolerance.

But my favorite person that I met along the Promenade was this hard-core Trump supporter named Edmond!

Check him out!

He and his dog are walking campaigners for Trump:

He came to the United States from Tahiti in 1977!

He has lived in Santa Monica nearly the whole time.

He did not become a full naturalized citizen until 1988!

Why does he support Donald Trump? He will build a wall and stop illegal immigration.

Why do all the illegal aliens get a pass, but law-abiding citizens like Edmond get the shaft?

Check out our interview here:

(A propos, Edmond is a native citizen of France, and he speaks French! We have a good time parler francais)

It was a pretty successful day.

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