This information cannot stay hidden.

Black politicians have reached a new level of undocumented, corrupt, and unaccountable.

Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles, Huntington Park) is one of the most arrogant and aloof politicos out there. He has no challenger at this time, although principled advocates and conservative activists are working hard to challenge him and his corrupt political machine.

On August 26th, I went with Inglewood resident Betran Usher to speak with Assemblyman Sawyer about his support for SB 1146, and to demand to know when he would terminate his abusive chief of staff, who had cursed out Pastor Marc Little of Faithful Central.

This was the reception we received:

Two law enforcement officers arrive to shake us down and intimidate us.

The black politician shut out constituents demanding answers about his votes and the conduct of his staff.
The staff did not even bother to answer our questions.
Bertran tried again to meet with someone in Sawyer's office.

Nothing. Nothing at all.
I have other black friends who have told me that the black politicians who claim to represent them have locked out all constituents. They put up blocked doors, barricades and call boxes. No one in the black community can meet with their representatives to get an answer on anything.
At first, I did not believe it.
Now I have seen and believe. I cannot believe that so many black voters put up with such disrespect from their elected officials.
Here are Bertran's comments about such disrespect:

I cannot believe that we are witnessing a modern form of apartheid in Los Angeles County!

This must stop!
Call Reginald Jones-Sawyer's office, and demand that he:
1. Recant his support for SB 1146
2. Terminate his chief of staff Joey Hill
3. Stop treating his black colleagues and constituents with disrespect!

Shame, Shame on Sawyer!

State Capitol Office:
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0059
Tel: (916) 319-2059
Fax: (916) 319-2159
District Office:
Administrative Offices West
700 Exposition Park Drive
Los Angeles CA 90037
Tel: (213) 744-2111
Fax: (213) 744-2122
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