The homosexual movement is crawling all over the global. In some ways, I submit that this issue belongs to the whole globalist movement, intended to eradicate not just nation-states, but individual liberty and family integrity.

Moms and Dads matter. Every child should not be denied the right

Taiwan is one of the most LGBT friendly societies in Asia,
with an active gay community and possibly the largest annual gay pride parade
in the region. In recent weeks expectations spiked that it would soon legalize
same-sex marriage. On Dec. 3, The Economist opined, “It would be even better if
the country that hardly any others recognize became the first in Asia to
recognize that gay people deserve equality.” But this won’t happen until
mid-2017 at the earliest due to President Tsai Ing-wen’s lukewarm support and a
backlash from powerful conservatives.

The Economist and other "libertarian" leaning rags have lost a lot of credibility pushing this "gay rights" argument. This is crazy.

There is good news, though, as this article articulates. The Taiwanese President is not pushing this issue at this time, and the pro-family movements have punched back twice as hard.

So … any legal maneuvering won't take place until … 2017? Interesting.

Even though Christians represent less than 5 percent of the
population, they are a cohesive political force that is spearheading
opposition. They are exploiting Tsai’s cautious approach and sparking “Taiwan’s
first culture war,” according to professor Rwei-ren Wu from Academica Sinica in
Taipei. A recent poll suggests Taiwan is polarized on the issue of legalizing
same-sex marriage — 46.3 percent support it, 45.4 percent oppose it, and more
than 65 percent of those aged under 40 are in favor of the change.

Wow! I need to read that passage a second time: "Even though Christians represent less than 5 percent of the
population, they are a cohesive political force that is spearheading

Incredible! The Body of Christ is alive and fighting in that little island nation. I know and believe that they can stop "gay marriage" in their nation. The pro-family forces in the United States need to demonstrate similar unity.

We cannot allow the virulent anti-family forces to dictate to the rest of us what only applies to a small percentage.

Tsai took office six months ago and has seen her support
plummet from 70 percent in May to 41 percent in late November, while her
disapproval rate has soared to 43 percent. It appears that voters are impatient
for change and she hasn’t delivered enough to satisfy the expectations she
raised. Wu argues that Tsai hasn’t prioritized her policy initiatives, hasn’t
consulted enough within her party, hasn’t communicated well with the public and
comes across as a frosty technocrat.

The President rode a wave of upset with the Kuomintang, the dominant political party of Taiwan for the last sixty odd years. But what did she have to offer, besides not being the KMT? She will not be helping herself if she brushes aside civilization's basic necessities.

The government in any country has no business trifling with eternal institutions and biological reality.
How about ensuring that rights of all citizens are protected? How about securing the nation from adverse foreign threats (i.e. China)?

Wu feels she should show more determination and passion,
sentiments echoed by Jason Hsu, the youthful Kuomintang (KMT) MP who has tabled
a same-sex marriage bill aimed at bridging partisan politics. Hsu sees this as
an opportunity to do the right thing, reposition his conservative party on
social issues and appeal to young voters who overwhelmingly support the reform.
He asserts this is a generational issue, sentiments shared by Jennifer Lu at
Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association, a advocacy group for lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender rights. In her view, “marriage equality is not just a matter
for gay and lesbian people, but also an important reflection of Taiwan’s
democratic values and of a society that respects diversity.”

It's a generational issue? Yes, and it will harm future generations. Young people  have been indoctrinated into this nonsense. But how? Why?!

Marriage is not a democratic value or virtue, but representative government is an impossibility without strong citizens in a stable society–and that requries marriage of one man and one woman.

Wu asserts that Taiwan is a pariah state, increasingly isolated
due to the pervasive “one China” policy that leaves it in global purgatory. In
his view, Taiwan should embrace a progressive liberal agenda to build bridges
and win friends with liberal democracies. Thus, mainstream support for LGBT
rights is much more than a battle for justice and equality at home: It is an
effort to project a modern, cosmopolitan image that sharpens the distinction
with China and positions Taiwan as an appealing exemplar of the liberal values,
norms and trends in advanced societies around the world.

OH! Now it all makes sense. "Gay marriage" would be a means to further distance Taiwan for China? Not a chance. Such a policy would make the island nation more susceptible to dysfunction and failure.

Tsai’s tepid backing of LGBT rights risks alienating the
youthful supporters who catapulted her into power. Joy, a 31-year-old Taiwanese
lesbian, is skeptical about politicians but confident that the LGBT community
will be given equal rights sooner or later. We chatted at the recent Taiwan
Reading Festival where she was working, adjacent to a massive anti-LGBT rights
demonstration in central Taipei that attracted more than 80,000 protesters. She
wasn’t troubled by the loud, angry homophobic presence of what she calls “the
againsters.” She expects that the government will eventually enact a revision
of the outdated Civil Code and recognize same-sex marriage.

Who is paying for these agitators? Where do they get their funding? Their organization? This insane press for this policy did not happen over night.

The Human Rights Campaign has been focused on Taiwan since 2013–at least

There are basically two options: amend the Civil Code or
pass a special law granting legal status to same-sex couples. Conservatives
back the latter; progressives, the former, which would involve an overhaul
removing wording from the code that reinforces the patriarchal family model.
Hsu expects opponents of this reform to boycott the legislative review on Dec.
26 and that a vote won’t happen before next May. He thinks the chances of any
reform are only 50-50 but vows to keep fighting.

There is another option: affirm natural marriage. The conservatives are wrong to back a "compromise." That will nudge the perverse rainbow one step closer into the tent. That is the wrong approach.

Joy rejects the idea of a special law sanctioning same-sex
unions because she feels it is insulting. She says it would reinforce
discriminatory attitudes and the marginalization of the LGBT community. Polls
suggest most under-40s agree with her, while the older generation ranges from
hostile to unenthusiastic about granting legal recognition to same-sex partners.
For the young it is an issue of fairness and the right to love, while older
Taiwanese remain attached to traditional family values.

Marriage is institutionally discriminatory! The union permits one man and won woman, that is it! Who cares how people feel about the matter? Marriage is about more than feelings. It's about truth commitment, and a biological/sociological commitment the future and the past.

Jacques Picoux and "partner"

Why is this an issue now? In October, Jacques Picoux, a
prominent gay French professor, committed suicide after an inheritance dispute
with his Taiwanese partner’s family, and partly due to frustration after he was
barred from participating in end-of-life medical decisions regarding his
partner of more than 35 years. This suicide generated a powerful groundswell of
support for reform on LGBT issues. Suddenly it appeared that Taiwan might
legalize same-sex marriage, but this optimism has faded as disappointed
advocates accuse Tsai of empty gestures and not following through on campaign

Notice how the left grabs onto a sob story to stir up passions.

When will the media report on the damage and abuse waged against children forced into same-sex families? When will we hear about the devastating venereal diseases which overwhelm communities? What about the long-standing needs of a society, all cast away because of the breakdown of the family?

And we have not touched on the maruauding fight against individual liberty and private property which follows.

Every resident of Taiwan must watch the video below to learn more about the consequences of this perverse agenda:

Opponents have stirred up anxieties by spreading false
rumors that under the proposed reforms terms such as “mom” and “dad” would be
outlawed and education would promote homosexuality. I also met some under-40s
who harbor doubts about the reforms with one telling me that her parents find
the whole idea of homosexuality revolting and granting official recognition
unacceptable. While she personally welcomes the reforms, she is reluctant to
offend her parents.

Here is anotheer video to outline the necessity of marriage for one man and one woman.

William Yang, a gay blogger, says he can live with the
special law as long as those in the LGBT community gain legal rights — but he
would prefer amendment of the Civil Code. Most of those in Taiwan’s LGBT
community that I met seem more adamant that the special law would preclude the
equality they desire. KMT legislator Hsu argues that retaining an outdated
Civil Code will only perpetuate exclusion.

William Yang is wrong. There are no "gay rights." There are natural rights, but marriage cannot be considered some reconsidered institution that means anything to anyone. This is wrong.

What about the children? What about our society?

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) may have initially
backed same-sex marriage to appeal to youthful voters, but as political analyst
Gwen Wang told me, its delay in acting on that support puts it in an awkward
position, especially since it is floundering on all the reforms it promised
involving labor, pensions, the judiciary, transitional justice, etc. — and the
economy remains stagnant.

Notice how cynical the whole process has become. The only reason the political parties have submitted to this moral insanity is to … win votes.

And the more important purposes of government have been ignored! When will the ruling government deal with crime, justice, economic concerns?

There is a real risk that her half-hearted support for
reform will stoke cynicism among youthful voters. To regain their confidence,
Wu argues that Tsai needs to abandon her risk-averse style and vocally support
same-sex marriage to show her opponents that she is tough and not forsaking her

It's too late. The President of Taiwan overplayed her hand, and ignored the proper scope and responsibility of the state.

Now, the opposition is pushing back on this immoral insanity.

It's time for all of us to stand with the Taiwanese people and support the pro-family forces who oppose the destruction of marriage and the family.

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