Leaders in the Republican Party of Los Angeles County are attacking the Beach Cities Republicans … again?

Haven't some of the members learned their lesson by now?

I have talked to individual Republican elected officials, as well as candidates.

RPLAC has provided them no money and no support.

There has been no registration. The Democratic numbers keep climbing, and Republican numbers keep diving.

Instead of helping the grassroots, they want to mow them down and silence them.,

The Beach Cities Republicans is currently the largest activist group in Los Angeles County, or at least in the South Bay.

But instead of expanding the brand and building the base — they keep attacking the active conservatives.

Wed 1/4, 6:53 PM
Mark Vafiades (mark@lagop.org)
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Beach Cities 
have been made to the Republican Party of Los Angeles County
(RPLAC) that the Beach Cities Republicans
(BCR) have violated RPLAC and California RepublicanParty (CRP)
bylaws. Therefore the RPLAC Rules and Bylaws Committee has set a meeting to
discuss these complaints. 
representative from the BCR is invited to join the call on Wednesday January 11th
 at 7:00 p.m. (Dial-in information will
be forthcoming).
committee will be discussing the following bylaw violations of RPLAC and CRP bylaws:
  • RPLAC – Article IV, Section 2
    (c)1 – Disloyalty to Party “Gives
    support to or avows a preference for a candidate of another party office,
    or for partisan office”
  • RPLAC – Appendix II, Section 1
    (2) – Engaging in physical or verbal conduct that tends to bring the Republican Party of Los Angeles County
    into disrepute.
  • CRP – Article III, Section
    • (a) Brings discredit to the Republican Party.
    • (c) Endorses or supports any
      person other than a registered Republican for
      a partisan elective office.
the BCR violated the above bylaws in these ways:
At the August BRC [TYPO!] meeting, Arthur Schaper, President of BCR, invited the Libertarian
candidate for Senate District 33, Honor "Mimi" Robson, to address the
club. The BCR encouraged members to support her and contact RPLAC for

[This is a lie. I made it very clear to the club that this woman was not endorsed.

The RPLAC By-Laws comittee has refused to explain or justify why they did nothing about David Hadley or Evan Chase when they served as BCR President and allowed non-Republicans to speak to the group.]
  • Bylaw Violations: RPLAC –
    Article IV, Section 2 (c)1 – Disloyalty to Party “Gives support to or avows a preference for a
    candidate of another party office,
    or for partisan office”, CRP
    – Article III, Section 3.01(E): (c) Endorses or supports any person other
    than a registered Republican for
    a partisan elective office.
RPLAC Chairman Mark Vafiades contacted BCR President Arthur Schaper. Arthur was
informed that the BCR was out of compliance
with RPLAC and CRP bylaws.

Beach Cities Republicans

[That's not what we talked about. He had claimed that the process was not properly folllowed, which I had justly exposed. The whole thing that blew up in November 2016 was a kangaroo court to force me step down.]

BCR was given a warning that further actions by the
BCR could result in a Charter ["Charter"? How about "charter" with a lower-case c?] suspension or worse. Arthur as the BCR President
was asked to remove posts attacking RPLAC members and begin to work with RPLAC
leadership. If Arthur took these steps, no further action would be taken
against the BCR. After the phone call, the BCR did not comply with the
Chairman’s request. (The President, said he would call back to confirm the BCR
compliance, which he did not).

[I received no information or rebuke about working or not working with RPLAC Leadership. I had even informed the Chairman at the time that I had complied with Executive Director Jason Maruca's direction after he called me regarding the invitation of a Libertarian candidate to speak to the club.]

  • Bylaw Violations:
    • The BCR sent out multiple
      emails (from the official
      BCR email account) falsely attaching [attaching? Do they mean "attacking"] RPLAC and individual RPLAC members.
      These false claims were also made on social media by members of the BCR board. (RPLAC –
      Appendix II, Section 1 (2) – Engaging in physical or verbal conduct that
      tends to bring the RepublicanParty of Los Angeles County into disrepute, CRP
      – Article III, Section 3.01(E): (a) Brings discredit to the Republican Party.) [The allegations against the RPLAC leaders are true, not false. They just don't like that individual leaders are not afraid to call them out.]
    • BCR began advertising on
      facebook a blog post attacking
      AD 66 Chairwoman Janice Webb and RPLAC. (RPLAC – Appendix II, Section 1
      (2) – Engaging in physical or verbal conduct that tends to bring the Republican Party of Los Angeles County
      into disrepute, CRP – Article III, Section 3.01(E): (a) Brings discredit
      to the Republican Party.) [She was not attacked. I merely exposed her conduct]
    • The BCR President falsely attacked
      RPLAC and individual RPLAC members
       (RPLAC – Appendix II,
      Section 1 (2) – Engaging in physical or verbal conduct that tends to
      bring the Republican Party of Los Angeles County into disrepute, CRP
      – Article III, Section 3.01(E): (a) Brings discredit to the Republican Party.) [RPLAC is doing damage to itself. I merely brought the actions to light]

There is no better disinfectatnt than the light. The private corruption of these actions is now being exposed to the public. Other active Republicans have shared with me their fair share of anger, frustration, and grief with RPLAC leadership.

Now I can see why.

Notice that the RPLAC leadership is choosing to engage in selective enforcement against the current BCR board.

They are trying to shame, punish, or ultimately silence one of the largest and most effective volunteer Republican clubs in Los Angeles County.

This is  a personal beef writ large. All of this infighting is hurting the California Republican Party, the Los Angeles community of Republicans, and is turning off people who like to join the county and be active.

It's time to hold the leadership accountable!

Contact the Republican Party of Los Angeles County:

1. Demand that they abide by their own laws.
2. Tell them to stop attacking volunteer clubs.
3. Inform that they work for the people, not the other way around.

Republican Party of Los Angeles County  
Address: 16133 Ventura Blvd #560, Encino, CA 91436

Phone: (818) 558-7600

Mark Vafiades: 

Jason Maruca:

Gary Aminoff:
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