To the Rialto City Council:
My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am a member of We the
People Rising.
I live in Torrance, California, but I am aware that one of
your city council members was attempt to enact a sanctuary city policy, a
violation of federal law, which affects me and every citizen who lives in the
United States of America.
City Councilman Rafael Trujillo organized this meeting in
private but on public property. I was expecting to speak with him about why its
wrong to enact such an immoral plot. Yet as soon as I an fellow citizens
arrived on the scene, he started claiming that he was just going to listen to
constituents. He was trying to hold a private meeting on public policy in a
public facility all paid for by taxpayer dollars.
That is criminal.
Now, here is what I was going to share with the Councilman
on Friday December 30th, which I will share with you today.
I will speak about young Ruben Morfin.
He was a young boy, only 13 years old, who lived in Salinas,
California. On his way home from school, walking to his grandmother’s house, an
illegal alien gang member confronted him. When the illegal alien asked him
where he was from, he said “I am an American.”
Then the illegal shot him in the back of the head—execution
style. The doctor at the hospital told his mother Angie that half of her little
boy’s brain was missing. Then Ruben passed away.  To this day, Angie lives a life sentence,
because her little boy is dead, and even though the murderer was captured and

 Every year on Ruben’s birthday, she has to remember that her
son was murdered. Every Christmas, Ruben is not there. Ruben would not have
died if our nation’s immigration laws had been enforced It will never be a
crime for anyone in this country to say who they are. I am an American, and
this country is for American citizens, and for immigrants, men and women who
come here legally.

Because of sanctuary city policies which have allowed
illegal aliens to roam our country without fear of law enforcement, there have
been unnecessary deaths, more senseless murders.

Instead of enforcing the law in his city and this state,
Councilman Trujillo made excuses, ran away from me and others, and then fled
from city hall. He even attempted to scare away law-abiding citizens by calling
the police including the police chief.
We will not tolerate the disregard for the rule of law in
our country,  and in our state.
Councilman Trujillo, I have a question for you: “Since you
support illegal immigration, since you support sanctuary cities for illegal
aliens instead of citizens, what would you like to tell Angie Morfin, or
Ruben’s aunt Lupe, who will never see her nephew again? That little boy is dead
because of lawlessness which you support.
Mr. Trujillo what would you like to tell the parents of
Marcello Bisarello? Are you saying that the lives of these two murdered
Americans mean nothing?
To the Rialto City Council, I urge a motion of censure
against Trujillo. To the residents of Rialto, I ask you to consider a recall
effort against this corrupt “undocumented politician.”
As for your Mr. Trujillo, now that you can’t run away from
you – I demand your resignation.

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