This is a sad day for those who expected better from their Republican leadership.
Instead of respecting and encourage active members in the Republican Party, the decided to turn their guns on us to either silence us or run us out.
This is sad–and outrageous.
Another club President had shared with me the similar rejections which had taken place against the them from leaders in RPLAC.
What a shame.
The Assembly Central Committee Chairwoman tried to get rid of a duly-elected leader.
She called my work to stop a proposed meeting.
She then denied one of the Committee members the opportunity to attend his first Central Committee meeting.
This kind of behavior has been destructive and unjust.
This is to their shame.
In the letter eblasted below – you will notice that it is more emotion, with no reference to facts or truth.
They claim that charges leveled against leadership were false.
They are not.

Dear Beach Cities Republican Members,

After careful review and discussions, The Republican Party of Los Angeles County (RPLAC) Executive Committee voted today unanimously to pull the charter of the Beach Cities Republican (BCR) Club. Our decision on this matter was not taken lightly, but after months of attempts to resolve the situation.

As a chartered organization, the Beach Cities Republicans has a responsibility to abide by the RPLAC bylaws and work within the RPLAC structure. All chartered organizations are required to be in compliance with RPLAC bylaws.

For the record, previous Presidents had "violated" RPLAC by-laws, and there were no consequences for them..

RPLAC attempted to work with the BCR leadership to resolve this situation. Specifically, BCR President Arthur Schaper, was given a list of steps the club could take to come back into compliance with RPLAC. That offer was declined by Mr. Schaper. Instead, the leadership of the BCR has continued to attack RPLAC and its members.

This is also a lie.

I had already complied with one complaint–about having a non-Republican speak at the club.
Then the issued this outrageous demand that I step down or the club charter would be pulled.
As a result, the RPLAC Executive Committee voted to pull the charter from the Beach Cities Republicans effective immediately.

RPLAC has found that the Beach Cities Republicans violation of the following RPLAC and CRP Bylaws:
Below is a list of the violations:

    1. Bylaw Violations:
    2. BCR sent out multiple emails (from the official BCR email account) falsely attacking RPLAC and individual RPLAC members. These false claims were also made on social media by members of the BCR Board. (RPLAC – Appendix II, Section 1 (2) – Cause for censure shall be defined as engaging in physical or verbal conduct that tends to bring the Republican Party of Los Angeles County into disrepute, CRP – Article III, Section 3.01(E): (a) Brings discredit to the Republican Party.)
    3. BCR began advertising on facebook, a blog post attacking the 66thAssembly District AD Chairwoman, Janice Webb as well as RPLAC. (RPLAC – Appendix II, Section 1 (2) – Cause for censure shall be defined as engaging in physical or verbal conduct that tends to bring the Republican Party of Los Angeles County into disrepute, CRP – Article III, Section 3.01(E): (a) Brings discredit to the Republican Party.)
    4. BCR President falsely attacked RPLAC and individual RPLAC members (RPLAC – Appendix II, Section 1 (2) – Cause for censure shall be defined as engaging in physical or verbal conduct that tends to bring the Republican Party of Los Angeles County into disrepute, CRP – Article III, Section 3.01(E): (a) Brings discredit to the Republican Party.)
  • Again, RPLAC does not take this action lightly, under past leadership, the relationship between RPLAC and BCR was a healthy one. Recently, BCR leadership and Mr. Schaper have demonstrated a pattern of behavior that can no longer be tolerated.

    This action is not designed to disband the BCR or replace BCR leadership. This action will free BCR from any formal oversight or affiliation with the Republican Party. Based on the clubs recent actions, this result may be in the best interest of BCR, to become an independent organization.
    As Republican activists, we encourage you to stay engaged in the political process. There are various chartered clubs throughout the South Bay area and Los Angeles County. If you would like more information on Republican chartered clubs, or if you have any questions, please give us a call at (818) 558-7600 or
    This is most unfortunate.

    One would think that Republican leadership would seek to bring members together and work to advance the cause.

    There has been too much deceit.

    What a shame.

    This has been a fraud from Day One.

    Is it any wonder why the Republican Party of Los Angeles is in such dire straits?

    No one should be surprised to see Los Angeles County taken on a formidable share of blue during the last election:

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