There is a growing political malaise in the state of California.

Governor Jerry Brown has turned this state into a protean utopia state.

Great for a select few, either living along the coast or working for the government.

And for those working for the government, who knows how long the easy money train will last for them.

Xavier Becerra

Instead of seeking a principled lawyer who will protect the rights of all people, Brown tapped the aggressively liberal Xavier Becerra to serve as California's next attorney general.

From the Sacramento Bee:

Lawmakers largely
praised Becerra as a champion of inclusion for minorities, immigrants and the
gay community. Echoing rhetoric that has surrounded Becerra since Gov. Jerry
Brown nominated him last month, they expressed hope that he would act as a
“last line of defense” for progressive California values against the incoming
Trump administration.

Poverty, bad transportation, rampant illegal immigration, and the destruction of life and family: would someone explain to me how this is progressive?

“The national
political conversation has left many communities feeling that the country they
love so much may turn its back on them,” Assemblywoman Eloise Reyes, D-Grand
Terrace, said. “California needs a fighter – a fighter that will defend the
rights of those without the means to fight for themselves.”

I only wish that the Attorney General designate cared about the rights of all Americans, not residents (ignoring their legal status) of Hispanic descent.

Some Republicans
objected to Becerra, pointing to comments about religious liberty and gun
rights from his confirmation hearing on Tuesday that they said showed a lack of
respect for all Californians’ constitutional rights.

That man is James Gallagher!

Check out his remarks below:

Gallagher was very pointed about his concerns. Becerra arrogantly diminished First Amendment rights.

Assemblyman Travis
Allen, R-Huntington Beach, said Becerra was threatening to overstep his role by
fighting the federal government on policies that are “within its proper sphere
of action.”

No kidding!

Becerra seems to be more committed to fighting for the political priorities of
the liberal elite than those of ordinary Californians,” Allen said.

One major disappoint slipped in, again.

All the Democrats (of course), voted for Becerra in the state assembly.

Listen to Shirley Weber praise the Los Angeles Congressman as the perfect man for the job–as if!

One Republican voted for Becerra:

Rocky Chávez of
Oceanside was the sole Republican to vote for Becerra’s confirmation. In a
statement, he said he was “unable to find any ethical or immoral actions that
would disqualify him as a candidate.”

“This is a time to
rise above partisan politics and try and work together with our new attorney
general,” he said.

This excuse is just unconscionable.

The appointment of Becerra is completely political.

Here is Chavez' full statement:

Rocky Chavez:

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Rocky Chávez (R-Oceanside) today reacted to
the Assembly vote on Attorney General Nominee Xavier Becerra. “We clearly saw
the lines drawn during today’s vote on Attorney General nominee Xavier
Becerra,” said Chávez. “From what I know, Congressman Becerra is a qualified
candidate and I have been unable to find any ethical or immoral actions that
would disqualify him as a candidate for the office of Attorney general.”
“Although there are many things that the Congressman and I do not agree on, I
believe he will uphold the California Constitution and I believe him when he
says he will not be a thorn in the side of the Federal Government just to be a
thorn.” said Chávez. “This is a time to rise above partisan politics and try
and work together with our new Attorney General, and for that reason, I voted
yes for AG Nominee Xavier Becerra.”

Chavez has been undermining the rule of law in the state of California with some of his votes.

He voted for SB 4, which would allow illegal alien youth to get state-funded health insurance.

We need more lawmakers in Sacramento to stop playing nice, and start fighting back!

Becerra will not protect First Amendment rights.

He will not our Second Amendment rights.

He refuses to support Kate's Law, which would end sanctuary cities and demand full enforcement of our country's immigration laws.

This man has no business holding any legal or enforcement authority in the state of California or anywhere else.

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