Congressman Ted Lieu (D-Torrance) is an officer in The
United States Air Force.

He has an obligation to respect our President—yes,
President!—Donald Trump.

For him to refuse to attend the inauguration, and to show
nothing but contempt and dishonor for our Commander in chief, is

He should be disciplined.

As a reminder, Republican elected officials did not boycott
President Barack Obama’s two inaugurations.

Why this double standard?

As for Congresswoman Maxine Waters, her resistance to Trump’s
election victory—up to the tally of Electoral votes in the House of
Representatives—was truly disgraceful. She repeatedly asked for a US Senator to
challenge the electoral votes in key swing states. Even Vice President Joe
Biden had to tell these arrogant Democrats: “It’s Over.”

I am ashamed of the two politicians who “represent” Torrance
in Congress. They certainly do not represent me or respect the will of the
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