The Pro-life movement feared the worst under the Obama
Obama issued an executive order, which ended the Mexico City
Gag Order, and directed taxpayer dollars to fund abortions overseas.
He also vetoed legislation that would defund Planned
Parenthood, even after undercover videos exposed the murderous abortion mill
for selling baby parts.
With the Trump Administration, there is renewed hope for the
Pro-Life Movement.
Trump has reinstated the Mexico City Gag Order.
He has promised to sign legislation which will ban taxpayer
funding for abortions.
He also wished the 44th March for Life the best
and gave them his support.
What’s more, this March for Life featured a Vice-President
speaking at the event for the first time!
Check out Vice-President Mike Pence’s speech here:

Congresswoman Mia Love (R-UT) also attended, telling the crowds
that her parents almost aborted her, but chose life.
And look at her today!

The crowds this year rivaled the March for Life parade in
2016. AS terrible blizzard discouraged many from attending. In 2017 600,000
people attended.
Donald Trump also faulted the media for spending more time
cover the Women’s Marches across the country, which promoted abortion,
transgenderism, and vulgar phrases, but ignored the March for Life.

In fact, the Women’s Marches received 129 times more
coverage than the pro-life demonstrations!
This is the kind of resurgence that we need in our country.
We who hold to truth and righteouusness, who pay attention to facts and not just to petty politics are not going to win by trying to play nice or fight for the center.
We need to fight for what is right.
This is truly inspiring. It's only been one week, and already Trump has accomplished more than Obama could have done in 8 years.
Trump is making Americans Proud Again.
Conservatives like me are now assured that they are getting the policies and principles they wanted, fully enacted for this county.
Trump tweeted his support for the March for Life:
The #MarchForLife is so important. To all of you marching — you have my full support!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 27, 2017

And then President shared:

.@VP Mike Pence will be speaking at today's #MarchForLife — You have our full support!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 27, 2017

But he also took the media to task for spending far more time on the abusive and corrupt Women's March and spending almost no time at all on the March for Life:

President Donald Trump Slams Mainstream Media for Not Covering March for Life

— (@LifeNewsHQ) January 27, 2017

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