Sometimes, blogging and pulling apart the errors, distortions, and mistakes of the Daily Breeze or other local newspapers is just too easy.

And too much fund.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel full of monkeys.

Here is the full article content in bold letters, with my comments interspersed to expose why they not only got the story wrong, but demonstrate the structural and language issues which the paper's journalist Nick Green has also revealed:

County GOP revokes charter of Redondo Beach Republican club led by
fiery activist
The county’s GOP leadership has revoked the charter of the Redondo
Beach-based Beach Cities Republican Club for attacking members of its executive
Is that really the case? Janice Webb was not elected to the Central Committee when I exposed her decision to contact my work and induce my boss to pressure me to cancel a meeting..
No specifics were offered on the nature of the attacks nor would Jason
Maruca, executive director of the Los Angeles County Republican Party, provide
more information.
“This matter pertains to an internal issue,” a party statement said.
“We’re not going to be issuing a statement or commenting on the matter.”

Perhaps the County leaders realized that it's not a great idea to allow Jason Maruca to issue statements of any kind, since I will print to them for the public and expose to everyone his poor writing.
"Spellcheck is my friend."
However, the club issued a short statement on its Facebook page that
said its executive committee made the decision to “pull the charter because
chartered organizations are required to be in compliance with its bylaws.

And yet the Executive did not comply with its own, nor did the committee enforce the same rules against previous members.
“(The) Republican Party of Los Angeles County attempted to work with
the Beach Cities Republican Club to resolve this situation,” the statement
reads in part. “Specifically, BCR President Arthur Schaper was given a list of
steps the club could have taken to come back into compliance with RPLAC, however
those steps were declined by Mr. Schaper. Instead, the leadership of BCR
continued to attack RPLAC and its members.”

No they didn't. and the reason I was "attacking" certain leaders in the RPLAC organization was the corrupt actions and unethical behavior which Central Committee members were engaging in.
It’s unclear what bylaw the local Republican club violated.

Hat-tip, Nick Green. To this day, I am still unsure what exactly I did wrong, since I was getting mixed messages from Maruca, Vafiades, Aminoff, etc/
Schaper said via email that he and one of the county’s largest and most
active GOP clubs “was a victim of internal bullying.”
I acknowledge that the Daily Breeze reporter Nick Green finally printed some of the comments from the email which I had sent to him. He still needs to print a correction in the Daily Breeze, though, since the printed version still reads that I did not respond.

“This purging in establishment GOP institutions is happening more often
than it should,” he wrote. “I was a whistleblower for abusive behavior against
me and my club, and in a petty attempt to silence or de-legitimize us, they
revoked our charter — and for the most unjustified of reasons.”

BAM! Put the above paragraph on full blast, folks!
Schaper, a Torrance resident who writes under the name Arthur
Christopher Schaper, is well known locally as a fiery conservative, orator and
blogger, who has blogged extensively about the conflict between the club and
county GOP leadership.

The term "orator" is very respectful. I take great pleasure in that term.
"Fiery conservative" WOW! I should add that title to my resume when I get a chance.
“Arthur seems to like a good battle,” said David Hadley, a former local
assemblyman and president of the Beach Cities Republican Club. “Arthur is an
activist. I am aware of some of the attacks on individual people.”

Hat tip, former Assemblyman David Hadley.
Schaper also is the California director for a group called Mass
Resistance, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has called an anti-gay hate

This is the biggest bunch of BS yet. Any journalist who resorts to the Southern Poverty Law Center for a sound bite on "hate" will find other pro-family groups listed there, including Tony Perkins' group the Family Research Council. SPLC has no legitimacy, and even Ann Coulter symbolically disembowled this fraudulent social justice legal firm.
Then came the real lack of integrity in the Daily Breeze send-up:
In a December article, the Orange County Weekly said Schaper was “fast
becoming one of Southern California’s most obnoxious conservative,
Bible-quoting activists.”
 OC Weakly?

Was that the extent of Green's research?

The OC Weakly, which hasn't written a hit story of any substance in …. ten to twenty years?

The same rag which parades anti-white racism as another form of social justice activism?
Remember that the hard-core race-baiting "humorist" Gustavo Arrellano spends more time writing foodie articles than anything else.
For real.
In several January blog posts an unrepentent [Sic–spelling error) Schaper ranted against the
charter revocation, calling it “treachery which undermines volunteer clubs and
takes the lead to revoke charters for light and transient reasons.”

"Rant" by its nature speaks of audible speech. People cannot rant in their writings. They can "Excoriate", "condemn, or "denounce.'
Ranting is a verbal, vocal exercise. Simple as that.
“This whole charter business has turned out to be a smokescreen for
well-dressed irrelevance,” Schaper wrote. “The Beach Cities Republicans has
gained more numbers, fame, and influence after losing the ‘revered’ charter.”

It’s unknown if that claim is accurate.

Isn't it the job of a reporter to search for answers? Did Nick Green really end his article with a big question mark of doubt to challenge an assertion for a club president.

It's a slow news day …
Let me write about something that happened one month ago …

This is just such a low standard when it comes to journalism.
He could have contacted other leaders in the club.
He could have checked out photographs on Facebook or Twitter.
Apparently, he relied on simple Google searches to find the OC Weakly article and to find out about the fraudulent smear from the SPLC.
Could he not have spent another 15 minutes verifying or debunking my claims about the club's growth?
But he did not even bother to …
And speaking of not researching:
1. I sent Nick Green the emails which I had received from Gary Aminoff and Jason Maruca. He did nothing with them.
2. I printed the letters claiming that the BCR club and I had done irreplaceable harm (blah, blah, blah) to the party. They provided no information about what I had or had not done. There were ephemeral complaints, which I followed up on–and they turned out to be a big fat nothing.
It was a total rush job from beginning to end just to get rid of me because they do not like me for whatever reason.

One other thing that I must mention.
The Beach Cities Republicans charter was revoked in January
January 16, to be precise:
The RPLAC Executive Committee voted unanimously to revoke the charter of Beach Cities Republican Club, which is no longer a Republican club.

— Rep Party-LA County (@RPLAC) January 16, 2017

So, why is Nick Green writing a story about this revocation one month later?

Yes, read that again–one month later?

If you have any ideas, feel free to email me at:

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