What is happening in Southeastern Los Angeles County Politics is nothing short of amazing.

Or better yet–amazingly stupid.

But it many signal good news for Republicans inLos Angeles County who want to make some kind of difference.

In Huntington Park California, two prominent Democrats are running for re-election or running for a seat on the city council.

Valentin Amezquita and Laura Herrera.

And this is the latest attack flyer which hit Huntington Park mail boxes:

Valentin Palos Amezquita sits on the city council for Huntington Park.

He is the only member who has routinely spoken out against corruption, based on visits to the city council plus his statements before the city council during public comment as a private citizen.

If this man was racist against who exactly? Hispanics? Asians? The flyer is very unclear about this.

If he really did not like his own ethnic heritage, then why would he serve on the Huntington Park City Council in the first place?

But to compare Valentin–a Democrat–to Donald Trump?

Now this is just crazy!

What is going on with the Los Angeles County Democratic Party?

They are now using the Trump card to attack fellow Democrats?

Will this kind of tactic work in the short and the long-term?

How many prospective voters are going to look at these mailers and believe what they are reading?

Check out the other side of this inflammatory and deeply false mailer, too:

Laura Herrera opposes religious liberty.

She does not think that America First" is an acceptable view or value.

She is pro-charter schools, though, and anti-corruption.

She also ran for the 53rd AD Democratic Central Committee and was the top vote getter, beating Huntington Park Cty Councilwoman Karina Macias by a few thousands votes.

That spells big trouble for Macias going into March 7, and add to that setback the newspaper reports about Macias and her criminal dealings with private vendors and the awarding of contracts.

How could a Democratic operative by anywhere near a Trump supporter or even sympathizer?

This brazen fraud may very well backfire.

In the meantime, Republicans should take advantage of these divides and start winning elections in these regions, where voters are simply looking for honest government, fiscal discipline, and a careful attention to city safety and security.

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