I am now 36 years old.

I have never visited inside the capitol building before, the museum sections as well as the different floors where state business gets conducted.
It was great!
Three floors of history and representing for Trump!

Check out these photo shots — a fellow GOP delegate helped take these great photos:

I found the Ronald Reagan bust — but on the bottom floor.

I think that is a terrible place for California Governor and then President Ronald Reagan.

I do think that Jerry Brown should go there, if he has to have any kind of recognition at all:

Another family walked by, and asked to pose with the flag, too!

Here's a video clip with my comments:

For the past two years, I have written about the first Republican Governor of California.

Not Hiram Johnson but Romualdo Pacheco:

That's right! The first Republican governor of California was also the first Hispanic governor!

He had originally registered as a Democrat, but became a Republican because he opposed slavery.

Here's Pete Wilson:

Of course, I had to visit the first Jerry Brown portrait.

It's hideous and disgusting, but I could not look away.

But I also had to do something to make it better:


 Here is the statue of Christopher Columbus and queen Isabella.

This is an apocryphal sculpture, to put in mildly.

Everyone already knew that the world was round.

Columbus did not have to offer a suggestion for a trial and error voyage. If commoners of the day did not believe that the world was round, there is no way that Spanish royalty would have bankrolled such a high-risk venture in the first.

Here is an old map of "Alta California" — how about that? The Spanish travelers believed that it was an island at one time.

When I saw this portrait, I had to add something to make it better:

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