
I never realized there were so many people who blamed me for all the ills of Cudahy,

What did I do wrong?

I vocally oppose the sanctuary city policy in Cudahy as well as Huntington Park.

I cannot stand to see our federals disregarded with such abandon.

Why else is there so much corruption throughout the Southeastern Los Angeles County region?

It's all connected to immigration. As long as our country refuses to enforce its borders, cities like Cudahy will continue to have a growing cohort of illegals, and those legal residents who are friends or relatives will be easy to bought, distracted, or intimidated.

A culture of distrust for local politics in Mexico or other countries has led immigrants (individuals who have entered this country legally) to stay out of local governance entirely.

The consequences have been monstrously disastrous.

Now in Cudahy, Chris Garcia is totally corrupt, sold out to vendors, giving them everything they want. He also does whatever the local labors tell him to.

He attacks residents who oppose him. He has threatened the lives of activists who protest against him in the city council meetings, too.

This man instigated the sanctuary city policy, even though he had no interest in protecting anyone.

He is a lawless thug and wants to carry on the same corrupt Democratic tradition of ripping off tax payers and playing along with special interests, including La Raza.

But of course, I am the biggest problem in Cudahy.

It's Arthur's fault.

Check out what my new best friend (*sarcasm*) Alan Garcia had to say about me at the February 2016 meeting:

He called me "terrible, horrible".

He was outnumbered and out-gunned. He wasn't sure how to respond to the comments that I had to share.

Of course, he slammed me and other members of We the People Rising as the ones who are "causing sh*t" in other cities.

He then made it clear that I was the reason why he had come.

Then he claimed that I was all about dividing cities.

For the record, I am not the guy who appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions, nor am I the one who insisted on imposing a sanctuary city policy, all against federal law.

For the record, we are not the ones who have been dividing cities.

Now fast forward to this year.

This one crock of a teacher claimed that I was bring hate to Cudahy:

She continued to repeat that I was inspiring and pouting hate.

HUH? She could not tell me what I was talking about. Seriously, this teacher who is educating other
This what I got to see at the Cudahy City Council Meeting on February 27:

Wow! I am an extremist! How original.

Then there was this beautiful poster:

That poster above was really funny.

That guy is a Democrat, certainly–and doesn't see the irony of playing the KKK card, a domestic terrorist founded by the Democratic Party!

Of course, Alan Garcia–the same guy who spent more time telling me to shut up and hiding behind large groups with bandannas covering their faces.

Here are the videos I recorded to try to get some answers from him:

"Everybody hates you, Arthur!"

Then his friend, who called the Pilgrams "Wetbacks", said "Nobody hates you."

I am confused–or more accurately, they are confused.

I was also trying to understand why I was extreme … I did not get an answer.

Then Garcia continued with a friend next to me:

Alan Garcia called me a professional agitator, then called me a child.


This guy is a laugh a minute.

But the point is — Garcia is a very confused  man (?)

But he's a laugh a minute!

But other people continued to blame me for everything.

Mrs. Markovich played the "bully victim" card.

Here litany of lies was just plain laughable. I do not incite trolls to criticize and attack people on line.

Why waste my time.

But she called me a big bully–when she's the one who pulls her husband around and attacks Jack Guerrero with lies.

By the way, I confronted her and pointedly rejected the nonsense:

She made it my fault that creepy people write hateful, bigoted remarks about her and the other communistic, subversive elements in the city.

I notice that Mrs. Markovich said nothing about Chris Garcia's hateful, "white supremacist" remarks against We the People Rising.

Of course, everything is still my fault.

After the meeting, when the sheriff''s deputies escorted We the People Rising (since violent Antifa communists were filling up the park), Shuttershot stayed around and recorded the intense in-fighting that has been brewing in the Southeastern LA Count region for months:

Alan Garcia started attacking other Cudahy residents. He shouted at Everardo Navarro and Rosie Navarro because they oppose the Antifa "show"

Navarro slammed all the corruption. He enumerated the chronic spate of misspending, fraud, and influence peddling.

Garcia continued to bla

"We the People Rising accused me of hitting a woman, that I didn't do."

No, he committed an assault against a woman, Pamela Munguia. Yes, he touched her hand while trying to pry her phone out of her hands to direct it towards me as I was walking back in the city council chambers.

Yes, he did.

Then the fighting got even more heated:

Markovich could not keep them focused.

This is anarchy created by Chris Garcia's corruption. If he had not invited his cronies to rip off the city, if Chris had not initiated the sanctuary city policy, then much of this chaos would have never happened.

But the video revealed even more conflict, and of course it's ALL MY FAULT:

"We have no business having Arthur here."

What? They are saying that I have no right to attend a public meeting?

"No one should have invited Arthur."

Then she added:

"But if they have balls, they need to say that they brought Arthur."

Why me?

Individual Democratic voters, I do not have a problem with at this time.

One thing is certain, though–the Democratic Party is taking their members for a ride, and it will not end well.

And blaming me for the woes of Cudahy is not going to help them, either.

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