Kamala Harris won election to the US Senate in a landslide.
No surprises there, especially since the Top Two rules allowed Two Democrats to sneak into the general election, while pushing out all Republicans and other parties.
What a sad day it was in California, and to make matters worse, Republicans across the state just sat out the election.

My friends –
The first month of the Trump administration has shown us one important
We need strong progressive voices in Congress like never before to hold
Trump accountable and fight for the American people.
My colleague, Senator Sherrod Brown, is one of those voices.
Sherrod has a record of standing up for those facing racism,
anti-Semitism, and injustice across the country. He fought against millions in
dark money in 2012, and will likely face even more from powerful special
interests in 2018.
There’s nothing Donald Trump and the Republicans would like more than
to silence voices like Sherrod Brown in 2018. That’s why I’m asking you to help
him fight back.
Make a contribution to help re-elect Sherrod Brown and show you want
progressive voices in the Senate.

Sherrod Brown is going down (Credit: Third Base Politics)

Sherrod knows the power of the progressive movement. He has a history
of defending voting and civil rights and has challenged Wall Street abuses
during the housing crisis.
By supporting champions of progressive politics in Congress like
Sherrod, we build a stronger movement to fight back against the destructive
agenda of the Trump administration.
Please consider a contribution to help my colleague Sherrod fight
against a tidal wave of dark money in his re-election.
Thank you for your support of a progressive leader — and an ally for
all of us in the Senate.
Fight on,

– Kamala  

Sherrod Brown is an endangered species in big trouble.
He is a red state Democrat.
Ohio is getting redder by the minute.
Donald Trump's pick for Ohio Republican Party chairman defeated the Kasich establishment pick, and there was nothing that the former Presidential candidate could do about it.
2018 gives the Republican party tailwinds going into the election cycle, too.
Democrats are a dying brand as it is.
They are facing worse numbers in Ohio, where traditionally Democratic districts flipped.
Republicans control the state legislature in Ohio, too.
And now … Sherrod Brown is part of an already unpopular brand, and adheres to a particularly toxic version of it.
And to make matters worse, Progressive Brown is depending on the networking and hustle of the most regressive leftist in the United States Senate.
I wonder what people will think when they learn that Sherrod is tagging along with California Democrats?!
Bye-bye, Brown!
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