Just to demonstrate who insane the regressive Left has become in this
country, check out the video below, recorded by God-fearing, pro-enforcement
activists We the People Rising:
They arrived an hour early on Wednesday, March 15, 2017
They gathered in front of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Station
to protest SB 54, a piece of legislation forcing its way through the California
State Legislation.
If passed this bill will turn the entire state of California into a
"sanctuary state".
Except, it won't.
This "sanctuary city" status will actually ensure that every
person in the United States illegally–an illegal alien–will be protected from
federal immigration customs and enforcement officials.
The state of California will not deliberately cooperate with federal
officials to deport illegal aliens. The state officials will also direct county
and local officials not to cooperate with ICE.
This is amnesty. This is lawless heresy. This is insanity.
Does the California Democratic supermajority in Sacramento really
believe that they can defy federal law? Do they really think that they can toy
with established laws and deem every illegal alien in the state of California a
"quasi-citizen" with a set of bills and the stroke of the pen?
Whatever one may call these extra-legal shenanigans, these desperate
moves will not have a happy ending.
We the People Rising have slammed cities throughout the state,
especially in Southern California, where majority-minority cities run by
corrupt city councils have looked for every way to protect their careers
through piecemeal de facto amnesty proposals.
City councilman Chris Garcia led the charge to turn Cudahy, California
into a sanctuary city in 2015, even though his decision precipitated ICE agents
entering into the city and periodically deporting illegals in the city since
then. His media stunt did not prevent law-abiding citizens from turning up the
heat on his pay-for-play relationships with private vendors–including personal
friends of his.
Huntington Park, California is a third-world hell-hole compared to
surrounding cities with better management personnel (including Bell Gardens and
Downey, CA). The city council approved the appointment of two illegal aliens to
city commissions! This is beyond outrageous!
It's amnesty. It's heresy. It's complete insanity.
The gravest irony of all? The city of Huntington Park's council
chambers has emblazoned a scripture on its back wall: "Where there is no
vision, the people perish." Evidently, that city is perishing, and all
their prayers to God will go unanswered as long as the militantly refuse to
recognize the truth.
Now that Donald Trump is President of the United States, our Modern Day
Cyrus is protecting the rights and wealth of American citizens. He is laying
down the law with foreign leaders (Germany must pay its fair share of NATO
costs, for example). He is also drawing the line on state and local officials
who have thumbed their noses at the rule of law.
California wants to go sanctuary state? Let's see how long they last
without the billions (or is it trillions?) of dollars in federal funding.
This will not end will, considering that at the vast majority of cities
are flirting with bankruptcy over pension debt and other over-generous,
unfunded liabilities eating away at the dwindling local, county, and state coffers.
But instead of dealing with the basic demands and essential necessities
of governance, California Democratic leaders want more amnesty. They will
protect illegal aliens at all costs, all while taxpaying citizens fight back or
flee the state.
Which brings me to the latest upset/outrage from the perverse open
borders lobby.
San Bernardino County is fighting back against illegal immigration. Law
enforcement in that county (among many others) does not want California to turn
into a playground for illegal aliens.
Yet instead of standing with local law enforcement, amnesty
advocates–with a Roman Catholic priest joining their efforts.
The words which stuck out and stung me the most?
"Christ was undocumented."
This is amnesty. This is heresy. This is totally immoral, unjust,
unbiblical insanity.
Jesus is not a piece of paper. He is the Word made flesh.
Jesus was not in this world against the rule of law or men. He is the
fulfillment of the Law, having come to His own, even if they did not receive
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life–all of which is well-documented
in the Old and New Testament.
Jesus never sanctioned disobedience to any nation's laws.
Borders and walls are well-spoken of and well-received throughout
Scripture. Distinctions between truth and error define Jesus' ministry on
earth, and His lordship forevermore at the right hand of His Father and our
This is not just offensive, it's patently sad, even laughable that
pro-amnesty forces must resort to such frauds.
What is really going on here? Why these massive distortions of Christ
Jesus, especially among church "leaders"?
The glaring obfuscation is designed to make it seem as though
supporting open borders, eroding the distinction between citizen and
non-citizen is actually a godly act–and anyone who opposes this destructive
undermining of our national sovereignty and character is a narrow-minded,
xenophobic bigot.
Haven't they heard? Even heaven has gates, and there will be
"Extreme vetting."
Any man who preaches any other Gospel besides Jesus Christ, and Himself
Crucified for our sins–Let him be accursed. Jesus never expected guilt-ridden
lawlessness to define a nation. The Gospel is for all people, for all who
believe on the name of Jesus. The answer to the world's problems will not be
found in breaking into another country or stealing their resources and

It's time for the heretical, insane amnesty advocates (especially
"religious leaders" to stop misusing Jesus and distorting His
forever-mission of saving fallen man and restoring him to his divine place
within Him. They need to respect the laws of all countries and stop aiding and
abetting criminal international trespass, a.k.a illegal immigration.
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