At the December 20, 2016 surprise Rialto City Council meeting, We the People Rising surprised Councilman Rafael Trujillo, who was conspiring with open border advocates and illegal aliens to turn Rialto into a sanctuary city.

What ensued was beyond hilarious.

Here's a few clips of what we did to that corrupt and arrogant councilman:

Here's Rafe on the run!

Here were my comments at the Rialto City Council Meeting on January 13, 2017:

There was another councilmember, however, who was plotting with Trujillo to turn Rialto and entire San Bernardino County into sanctuary territory for illegal aliens:

Here's my video:

She actually claimed that she did not know what a sanctuary city is. But of course she does–she was working with Rialto city councilman Rafael Trujillo to turn cities into lawlessness zones to protect illegal aliens and undermine the rule of law.

Here is another video from We the People Rising:

This woman was arrogant and disgraceful. She even laughed in Agnes Gibboney's face when she was talking about the death of her son Ronald De Silva at the hand of an illegal alien.

Check out what We the People Rising accomplished at the latest Victoville City Council meeting:

We The People Rising

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Pro Illegal Victorville Council Member Blanca Gomez Packs Meeting With Supporters
3/21/17 Victorville City Council Meeting: Victorville, CA
Report by Robin Hvidston


It was a raucous meeting as Council Member Blanca Gomez had recruited her supporters (including a homeless man who appeared confused) to pack the meeting. They SHUT DOWN  the meeting butCITIZENS STOOD UP!


Pro-Sanctuary-City Council Member Blanca Gomez recruited her "La Raza" support group, 4 ACLU members to speak out on her behalf and a Spanish media La Opinion reporter Alejandro Cano to cover the issue of the Victorville City Council seeking to pass a motion to take action on a possible censure process against Council Member Blanca Gomez.  The motion did pass on a 4 to 1 vote.

FILE VIDEO – 1/30/16 Council Member Blanca Gomez arrived at the first Rialto Sanctuary City Committee Meeting.

Displaying signs at the Victorville City Council meeting.

Victorville Council Member Blanca Gomez (who wore her city pin to the Rialto City Hall first Sanctuary City Committee meeting on 1/30/16) has been continually filibustering her agenda and exhibiting disruptive behavior that violates the Brown Act at the Victorville City Council meetings.  Therefore, at the 3/21/17 city council meeting, a motion was proposed that a  possible censure action process go forward in regard to Council Member Blanca Gomez.

Victorville Council Member Blanca Gomez had staged her supporters and ACLU members who disrupted the meeting just before the vote on the motion was to go forward.  The meeting was called into recess. After the council recess, the  vote to study the censure process for Council Member Blanca Gomez  passed on a 4 to 1 vote.

Council Member Blanca Gomez's supporters scrawled signs on the backs of the Victorville City Council agenda, which they then displayed. The above supporter misspelled a word on her sign, which reads: "Blanca Gomez has ARE Support."

Those who oppose Council Member Blanca Gomez displayed printed signs.

Council Member Blanca Gomez spoke out of turn throughout the meeting. At one point, she stormed off the dais and went to aid one of her ACLU members who was arguing with the city clerk.

Council Member Blanca Gomez is demanding that  Victorville provide Spanish interpreters at the council meetings. At the end of the meeting, she was the final council member speaker.  After she had railed against the city council members and her opposition in the audience, she began to speak exclusively in Spanish.

The mayor cut off her microphone and gaveled the meeting to a close.


Attend the next Victorville City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 4th at 6pm.

“…Catholic Charities gets billions of taxpayer dollars for refugee resettlement and general immigration services, which puts it into the category of a smallish government agency. For example, in 2010, 62 percent of Catholic Charities’ budget was funded by the unwilling taxpayer. The feds and the Catholic bishops are partners.”

Every congress member is given an annual budget to cover staff salaries, travel to and from the home district, official mail to constituents and other office necessities. The budgets vary. The average budget for 2011 was $1.45 million.
USA Today 4/6/2012 8:36

The motion to explore a censure resolution against Gomez passed.

The residents in the city have routinely complained about Blanca Gomez, who demonstates a clear lack of maturity.

She is also corrupt and just plain evil, since she has no regard for the rule of law in our state, and does not respect the constituents in her city.

It's time to call in the federal reinforcements, and get Blanca out of office!

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