More good news.

RyanCare is simply not good enough.

When it comes to politics, conservatives are not afraid to play hardball.

Republican leaders, however, want to do the bidding of Big Business, or just want to get by and do enough to retain the honor that comes with titles and make off with nice pay and pensions.

The RyanCare approach is all wrong. Dr. Price and Donald Trump needed to support and re-introduce the 2015 Budget Reconciliation to get rid of Obamacare's massive problems and overburdened legislation.

Now the Club for Growth is not only opposing RyanCare, but standing by the bravest bunch of conservatives who want to end this travesty in the best way possible,

Our conservative allies in Congress are under fire for standing up for our principles.  We must come to their defense!
Dear Arthur,
No doubt by now you heard about the betrayal by House Republican leaders and their allies, dropping a massive $500,000 ad buy against pro-growth conservatives in Congress. 
When the American Action Network (the old Boehner PAC) attacked our allies in Congress, the Club for Growth came to their defense, with YOUR help.
Now, I'm afraid as the battle comes closer to the vote on the House floor, the House leaders and their allies are doubling down, with even more pressure.
The ads being run against our allies are filled with lies.  Leadership and special interests are all applying public, overt pressure to flip votes.
As it stands now, the votes are there to KILL RyanCare this week!
But they won't stay there unless we come to their defense again, now.
This huge ad buy from the leadership front groups was a call to action, and the Club for Growth responded.
We cannot let them have the last word and try to peel off votes in the next 48 hours. So please stand with the Club for Growth again today.
The vote is scheduled for THIS WEEK. 
We must hear from you today to keep our ads running and to keep standing up and fighting alongside our allies.

Will you help us once again defend our champions standing up to Paul Ryan and his RyanCare fake repeal?

Help the Club for Growth defeat RyanCare by contributing today.

Best regards,

David McIntosh
President, Club for Growth

More good news. When will another discharge petition get issued?

Paul Ryan, shame on you. No one sent you to Congress in order to make nice with Big Special Interests.

We need Obamacare repealed, period. Start with the 2015 Budget Reconciliation bill, Congress!

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