Town halls are raucous affairs.

Democrats and liberal progressives all over the country, and all over the state, have been shouting out and demanding real answers from their representatives for a long time.

In 2010, concerned citizens were shouting down their US Senators for contemplating a vote for the Affordable Care Act!

Check out what happened to Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter:

You will notice in the above video that Specter had tried to limit public comment!

All hell broke loose in this video below, according to this report:

Then see what happened to Claire McCaskill in Missouri:

Check out the explosive comments in these town halls:

Of course, Judy Chu was boasting about the uproars in the Jeff Denham town hall in the Central Valley earlier this month:

But when I called out Congresswoman Chu for her lies and her ethics violations … I was escorted out!

The only reason I was forced to leave was that I was critical of this horrible communist.

That's it. She had no respect for my freedom of speech.

She refused to let opposing viewpoints be heard.

There  is no justification for this.

And here are the police officers who did her bidding rather than honoring the United States Constitution:

Lieutenant Karlan Bennett, # 3049

Corporal Nick Martinez #3835

Here's the video where Martinez told me to remove my cape:

And here's the whole seuence when they escorted me out for speaking out during the town hall:

I have heard growing reports about the Claremont Police Department.

They are corrupt. They are craven.

And you witness above that the police were ready to show me the door when I was fully participating in the meeting.

The police provided me no warnings. I was not there to disrupt the meeting. I was there have my voice heard and to call out the lies and corruption of Congresswoman Chu and the Democratic minority in Washington.

Here's a comment I received from a viewer:

a Veteran Police Officer in California, I can say without a doubt that the
overwhelming majority of Police Officers SUPPORT President Trump…. And I don't
agree what these Officers did here… A polite warning would have been the
appropriate way to handle this situation… But like in any profession, we're
not always going to agree with others actions…. But again, rest assured, the
majority of Police Officers strong support President Trump…

Time to slam the Claremont Police Department for their disreputable police officers, specifically:

Nick Martinez #3835
Karlan Bennett #3049

Here's the office number: (909) 399-5411

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