President Trump declared that he would repeal the Deferred Action
on Childhood Arrivals Executive Order within days if not on the first day of
his presidency.
He has not done it … yet.
At first, I was extremely
upset, and very concerned. Was Trump reneging on a key campaign promise? Was he
losing his nerve? Has he stopped listening to the populist conservatism of his
inner circle and started listening to the liberal New England family members?
Today, I am not worried about
this DACA delay. I do not believe that Trump has lost his nerve. I also agree
that he does have a heart, but that does not mean he won't enforce our
immigration laws. Nor does it mean that he won't do anything to end this
DREAMer con artist shell game.
Besides, the effects of the
Trump Administration have already been felt, and all for the good.
Illegal alien border crossings have
plummeted 70%. That is reason enough to know that law and order has been
restored, that the rule of law is back in order. Illegal aliens are no longer
signing up for public assistance, which they should have never had access to in
the first place. Jobs are back. Americans feel safer. Citizens trust that their
rights will be protected rather than under constant assault from the state.
Still, the young illegals in
our midst need to go, since they are getting more radical by the day. Can the
United States survive another generation of illegals suddenly granted amnesty,
who in 90% of cases will register as communist-leaning Democratic socialists? No.
So, DACA must go, and our nation’s attention must return to the dreamers who
matter: our American citizens.
So, what is the hold-up?
Here are a few reasons, in my view,
to explain the delay:
1. Trump is pragmatic, and he
recognizes that there are weak Republicans in Congress. If he pushes ahead
right now to remove DACA, they will further alienate themselves from him and
will frustrate his full agenda, including the border wall, E-Verify, and other
pro-enforcement immigration reforms.
Whether anyone likes it or not,
politics requires a certain degree of consensus, for better or for worse. The
federal system is not an executive bureaucracy, but a machine dependent on
agreements and cooperation. The Presidency is not a dictatorship, and Donald
Trump is not governing like a dictator, despite the shrillest media opposition.
He has already signed off on an unprecedented rate of bills and his lawful,
constitutional executive orders are working. Trump supporters should not worry
about the next steps he will take.
2. Trump is concerned about the
severe backlash that will ensue when DACA is repealed.
Consider what happened as soon
as Trump issued clearly outlined travel bans. The whole left-wing phalanx of
hate-mongers and anti-American traitors took to the streets, the airports, and
the highways and by-ways. The violence in key urban areas will only get worse
when DACA is repealed. The youthful radicals who are taking over the public
squares in urban areas will put undue pressure on our federal and state law
enforcement agencies. Does the President really want to further endanger the
lives and well-being of law enforcement? More importantly, how many innocent
lives will be at risk?
This concern leads to the third

3. Priorities and Limited
There are over 12 million
illegal aliens in the country. Within that rebellious mass are a large swath of
criminal aliens and gang members. During the Election 2016, Vice Presidential
debate, Governor Pence was crystal clear about deporting violent criminal
aliens from the country and ending sanctuary jurisdictions. Any police officer
will outline the need to assess and implement proper practices based on
priorities. Between ticketing a jay-walker and stopping a murderer, who gets his
attention? Of course our law enforcement officers will target the violent
offenders who pose a threat to the most people. Discretion is essential to
effective policing
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
is already cracking down on MS-13, but the fight has only just begun. Remember
that for eight years, illegal aliens would walk the streets of this country
without fear or recrimination or deportation. Key states would even allow them
special privileges like in-state tuition and scholarships.
This huge illegal immigration
mess began with Obama and it's not like President Trump can wave a magic wand
to fix all of this. Resources are limited. Trump and Sessions have already
assigned 50 more immigration judges to process the deportations of all illegal
aliens in the country.
And let's not forget other
massive planks in Trump's platform, including the rebuilding of our military,
the expanded protections for First and Second Amendment rights, the repeal of
Obamacare, tax reform, and the appointment of constitutionalist judges to all
federal seats in the judiciary.
Trump has all of these demands
to meet, and he needs all Republicans on his side in Congress to achieve these
goals, too. DACA will be taken care of, but the pressing priorities on
immediate national security and public safety concerns must come first, along
with other key elements in Trump's domestic agenda.
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