As everyone knows, the Cudahy City Council chose to break ranks and leave city hall before discussion items after closed session.


Vice-Mayor Cristian Hernandez walked away at the podium.

Before that, Cristian Markovich just walked off after closed session, without even facing the rest of the audience.

He just skedaddled.


Here are the videos:

At the end of it, Chris Garcia went on a full meltdown. He could not handle being called out on his crap and corruption:

Vice Mayor Hernandez

i. Crime Free Housing

ii. Location to dispense and pick up perishable goods

Council Member Jack Guerrero

i. Proposal to rescind Republic Services’ evergreen clause
ii. Proposal to expand public comment to 3 minutes per speaker
iii. Results of City’s annual financial audit with questions and answers

Council Member Markovich

i. Special Needs 5k

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