As a member of The Remembrance Project, I have learned through personal contact how illegal immigration impacts families.
Men and women have lived through the lingering grief of losing a loved one to an illegal alien.
WESTLAKE VILLAGE–Don Rosenberg is a lifelong liberal who may
have only one thing in common politically with President Donald Trump: his
battle against illegal immigration.

Thank God for Don Rosenberg.

The pain he must have felt when he learned that an illegal alien had killed his son–in San Francisco.

Former Congressman Henry Waxman had to take steps for that illegal to be deported–and he was deported!

Vaughn Becht honoring Drew Rosenberg,
killed by an illegal alien driver
Rosenberg became an activist on the issue after his 25-year-old son,
Drew, was killed in a 2010 collision in San Francisco with a Honduran immigrant
who had entered the country illegally, but been granted temporary immigration
status. The Westlake Village resident now spends much of his spare time firing
off letters to journalists, sounding off on TV programs such as Fox News’ “Fox
& Friends” and pressing government agencies to release data related to
illegal immigration.

Here is another reason why President Trump must keep his promise and repeal DACA. American kids come first–Americans come first.

I am fed up with our country's compassion and resources being put to the test because of angry, abusive liberals who want to gain power.

All of that is wrong. Just plain wrong.

“I’m trying to stop this from happening to other people,” Rosenberg
said of losing his son Drew, a street-savvy law-school student who took a keen
interest in news and politics like his father.

That's what the Remembrance Project is all about. We need to make sure that the lives lost to illegal aliens in our country will never be forgotten–and to ensure
Rosenberg was among families from across the nation who attended the
official launch of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Victims of
Immigration Crime Engagement Office on Wednesday in Washington, D.C. The office
is designed to support victims of crimes committed by “criminal aliens.”

I am so glad that President Trump is putting the needs of Americans first — and that he is fighting to ensure that our country is safe for all Americans. I anticipate that Trump will move faster to fight for all Americans to be safe in this great country of ours.

He needs to hurry up and build that wall!

“I’m really happy they’re doing this because I know what my wife and I
had to go through — you’re finding your way because no one was really giving us
any help,” the retired entertainment executive said.
Rosenberg, a former Democrat who today doesn’t identify with any
political party, usually receives several calls a month from bereaved family
members seeking information about a criminal living in the country illegally or
they are searching for legal and financial help in the wake of a crime. He
shares his personal experience, he said, and now will refer them to the VOICE
office for greater support.

More Americans are fleeing "The Democracy", as they are fed up with the corrupt, Wall Street puppets who run the Democratic Party in the few states where they still hold any kind of power. Where Democrats have governed, they hurt their constituents and put all lives at risk.

Those states are going bankrupt. They cannot even pay their state employees on time!

“The illegal aliens are not victims; they are the perpetrators,” Rosenberg
said. “Many of them are nice, hardworking people … but there’s more than
enough crime” that they commit.

“What I’ve hoped to accomplish all along is to get the truth out so
people can make the decisions based on truth and not lies,” Rosenberg said.
“We’re trying to get to the best understanding of these real dimensions
of illegal alien crime,” Axelrod said.
Rosenberg has also submitted a declaration in a federal lawsuit filed
by the institute in October against Homeland Security on behalf of Californians
for Population Stabilization. That lawsuit is seeking to compel the federal
agency to evaluate the environmental impacts of both legal and illegal
immigration under the National Environmental Policy Act with the hope that it
will lead to “better policies,” Axelrod said.

I receive information from CAPS. I encourage other Americans to learn more about immigration–how it impacts our culture, environment, and our safety.

It may sound like a harsh proposal, but we need to stop all immigration at this time and get our borders secure. We need to also find better ways to ensure that our immigration system is good for Americans first. By the way, when we put Americans first, we help all countries!

This former liberal Don Rosenberg is a strict enforcer on immigration–and here is why:

Rosenberg said for much of his life, he hadn’t realized how much the
government “got away” with its mass immigration policy “by hiding from (its
citizenry) the scale of immigration and its consequences.” But that changed
after Roberto Galo, an unlicensed driver, struck and killed his son as he rode
his motorcycle, running over his body multiple times in an apparent attempt to
flee the scene, he said.

Terrible. Here are more details:
Galo had entered the country illegally around 1999, Rosenberg said, but
had been given Temporary Protective Status, which allows a foreign national to
live and work in the U.S. until the conditions of their home country improve.
The temporary legal status was granted to eligible Hondurans following
the destruction of Hurricane Mitch in the fall of 1998 and other environmental
disasters and is still in effect for those who successfully reapply.

These temporary status provisions need to be repealed, too! This is unbelievable. What about the protections for American citizens? They are living like refugees in these urban ghettos. Chicago has one of the highest murder rates in the country. What about the black and Hispanic Americans in those cities?
A jury convicted Galo of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter and driving
without a license after the judge in the case reduced the felony charge, saying
he believed the driver had panicked, Rosenberg said. Galo was sentenced to six
months in jail and was ultimately deported in 2013 following intense lobbying
by Rosenberg.

That "intense lobbying" part is just maddening. It shouldn't require American citizens to hammer law enforcement to get illegal aliens deported. This cannot happen anymore. This must stop!
The pain of the ordeal, he said, was sharpened by the words and actions
of police and prosecutors whom Rosenberg said seemed to “care more about the
illegal aliens” than they did about the victims.

OUTRAGEOUS! I get more and more angry as I read what happened to Don! Why do these law enforcement officials care more about illegal aliens?

Don remembering his son
in better days, when he was happy –and alive.

Oh … wait. Who was the District Attorney at the time?

Another San Francisco liberal, of course! They care more about the criminals than they do about the law-abiding citizens, after all!

But Rosenberg, who has two other grown children, often wishes he never
became entangled in this issue because it can be so “debilitating.” The sorrow
of losing Drew hits him multiple times a day, stopping him from functioning at
times, he said.

It's time for us to put a human face on the suffering. Loved ones who remain must remember every day that they lose a loved one!

“People say time heals all wounds — bullshit,” Rosenberg said. “It will
heal a cut on my arm from a rosebush, but this never heals.”

I could not agree more. Truth, grace, righteousness–all of these attributes heal.

Time alone cannot.

Commercial against illegal immigration

Final Reflection

I am still amazed, in a good way, that the Southern California News Group wrote a comprehensive report about Don Rosenberg. For the last two months I had wanted to look into this story in greater depth.

If the press wants to have any continued relevance, they need to report on the plight of American citizens, They need to stop apologizing for an justifying illegal immigration. The sob stories about what they illegals go through is nothing compared to the losses which deprive Americans.

I am hoping to get in touch with Rosenberg very soon.

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