Here are all the notes I took when I was preparing to teach parents and children about one of our nation's Founding Fathers, John Adams:

Born October 30, 1735 in Braintree,
Massachusetts, one of only 4 Presidents to be born in Massachusetts.
The city where he was born was later named
after his son, John Quincy Adams
He held many jobs in his youth. He wanted to be
a farmer, but later became a lawyer
He hated slavery, and wanted to see it abolished
over time.
He was a nice man to his friends and family.
People who met him for the first time though that he was arrogant and aloof.
The truth is he just had a hard time meeting new people
He was outspoken about right and wrong.
He would get angry really easily, and he knew
that he was vain—but he tried hard to change that.
He married the love of his life, Abigail Adams.
She reminded her husband John not to forget about the rights of women in the
United States. Their marriage was a life-long romance.
Adams defend the British soldiers accused of
murdering 5 American colonists in The Boston Massacre. He successfully fought
for their freedom. He firmly believed in everyone’s right to legal counsel and
the protection of innocence for all.
He helped write the Declaration of Independence,
one of his nicknames was “The Atlas of Independence”.
He helped even his most bitter rivals when they
needed it—for example, dousing the fire engulfing the home of his worst
He was there to negotiate the final Treaty of
Paris in 1783, which ended the American Revolutionary War for the Americans to
be a free nation.
Throughout the Revolutionary war and afterwards,
he was minister to France, England, and the Netherlands
He was the nation’s first Vice-President,
serving under George Washington
He was the second President of the United
States, the only President who ran as a member of the Federalist Party
He appointed John Marshall, the first United
States Supreme Court of real note.
He created the first military band.
He founded the American navy.
He started the first military hospital for our
Two of the biggest issues that happened during
his Presidency:
a. XYZ Affair—the French Government tried
to get bribes in order to end attacks on American ships. Adams later negotiated
peace with France.
b. The Alien and Sedition Acts: lengthened
the time for immigrants to become citizens. Allowed for prosecution and arrest
for saying bad thing about the government. That law was Adam’s biggest mistake
His son later served as President, who was an
outspoken opponent of slavery. One of only two Presidents who would see his son
serve as President, too.
In retirement, he reopened his law practice.
Despite many tragedies in his life, including
the deaths of his wife, daughter, and grandson—he remained sharp in mind and
heart and cared about the fate of his country.
John Adams died on July 4th, 1826 (50
years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence), one of the
longest-lived President. His one-time friend then rival and later President
Thomas Jefferson died the same day, but only a few hours earlier!

John Adams last words? “Thomas Jefferson survives.”
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