
This past weekend, President Trump vowed to take administrative action to end two Obamacare bailouts if Congress doesn't quickly repeal the failing healthcare law.

The first bailout is the exemption that President Obama helped give to Members of Congress and the second bailout is the subsidy program Obama created for health insurance companies.

And the best part about President Trump's threat is that short of passing a new law, Congress can't stop him.

Please show your support for this decision by sending a letter to President Trump urging him to end these bailouts.

There is no reason why Congress should have a special Obamacare exemption and there is no reason why the insurance companies that lobbied for Obamacare should get a taxpayer bailout.

If the DC establishment won't take action to repeal Obamacare and provide true relief to the American people, then they should have to live under the law they passed and share the pain.

Many Republican lawmakers are afraid of what the Democrats and media will say about them if they repeal the law, but that pales in comparison to what the voters will do to Republicans at the ballot box if they allow it to continue.

Senator Ted Cruz was right when he said, "No party can remain in power by lying to the American people." 

Please thank President Trump for being willing to end the Obamacare bailouts and urge him to make it happen.

These policies are unfair and should be terminated immediately.

Thank you for standing strong for freedom and for doing your part to make your voice heard in Washington.

Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Action

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