Now this is really surprising and welcoming.

Howie Carr, a major conservative radio host and commentator in the Boston region, has shared my article "The 'Poor Illegal' Media Narrative and Why It's Not Working".

This is incredible!

Check out the tweet below:

The "Poor Illegal" Media Narrative and Why It's Not Working GOOD COLUMN, CHECK OUT LINKS TOO

— Howie Carr (@HowieCarrShow) August 14, 2017

Illegal immigration impacts everyone.

Poor and rich alike, Americans of all backgrounds are hamred when our governments, local state, and federal, refuse to enforce our immiigration laws and protect American citizens.

This lawlessness must cease.

Sanctuary state proposals are hitting brick walls of their own all over the country, even in blue states like Maryland and Massachusetts, where Republican governors and Democratic lawmakers are rejecting those proposals.

It's great to see more people making the case that we Americans have no reason to feel shame about defending our country, securing our borders, and protecting our rights.

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