There has been a great deal of email and messages coming to me in the last week.

From Berkeley and now Chicano Park, there's a lot of things I have been doing.

It's time for me to look over some of the correspondence I have received.

Please enjoy!

Hello Arthur.

I find your videos and opinions interesting and entertaining. I see your passion for President Trump and the GOP and though I find politics important and interesting I do not carry the same passion for either party. I didn't vote for President Trump but I respect the office and man. I could see where many of his supporters find bias in MSM and are dumbfounded by the people who are against his policies. I write to you because we disagree on an issue that has become of importance as of late and where I have personal connection to, DACA. I'll admit that in 2012, Obama enacted DACA to get more Latino support in his reelection year against Romney. Many had been disheartened by the lack of any kind of immigration reform but it wasn't his fault. Congress was never going to pass it and many Democratic Senators then couldn't support it because they represented conservative states. But his move for DACA did have a tremendous change for me.

I was born and raised in Montebello. My wife, was raised in the same town, but her mother brought her illegally to this country when she was 6. To me, we were both the same but her being brought here in that fashion, she couldn't change her status. In 2012, she applied for DACA and with her certifications she had attained after high school in the medical field, the work permit she was granted allowed her to get a better paying job, and moving our American family to the middle class. DACA was great because were able to meet our goals as a family and live the American dream. Not knowing what was going to happen in 2016 (I never thought Hillary could just walk into the WH) she was able to Adjust Status with Advance Parole and she is now a green card holder. And I see many of these DACA applicants accomplishing many great things, benefiting this country, paying more in taxes than before. From all the classes of illegal immigrants out there, the GOP could show compassion by finding a way for these people to have their situation legalized.

Take care, Arthur


My response:

Dear Dan:

The rule of law is not about what is easy for one person or for a group of people.

We are a nation of laws, and we are a nation based on an established sovereignty and shared values.

Illegal immigration of any kind undermines all of that.

DACA is a brazenly unconstitutional program, regardless whether it helps people or not. Stealing money from someone to help a third party may pay that debt, but it is a moral wrong which undermines the fabric of our culture–and hurts the person who was robbed!

Illegal immigration is indeed a form or robbery, and the action should not be condoned or excused.

Thanks for writing.


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