When will they get it?

The illegal aliens in this country, who were brought here as youth against their will, are still illegals.

They live in this country illegally, they have unlawful presence in this country.

There are plenty of legal pathways for illegal aliens to follow in order to become law-abiding residents.

What has taken so many of them so long?

The truth is that a growing underground movement wants to play the indigenous/La Raza card in a feeble attempt to shame law enforcement advocates into silence.

And it's not working anymore.

In fact, it's time for Americans of all backgrounds to push back against this illegal alien pandering.

Of course, the Democratic Party is so tone-deaf on this issue.

They want to promote the needs of illegal aliens ahead of American citizens, and the vast majority of voters are simply not on board with such disregard for the needs of American citizens.

Check out the latest desperate plea for money from the Democratic National Committee:

Donald Trump has rescinded DACA. Tell Republicans in Congress they must act to protect DREAMers:

Arthur —

Yesterday, Donald Trump officially rescinded DACA. Now, nearly 800,000 young immigrants' lives hang in the balance.

Congress must act now to protect DREAMers. Add your name to send them a message.

Ultimately, it's up to the Republican majority in Congress to put something on Donald Trump's desk. They need to do the right thing (for once).

And I hope they will. After Jeff Sessions announced Trump's decision, Paul Ryan said that he wants to find a legislative fix so that "those who have done nothing wrong can still contribute as a valued part of this great country." Sen. Orrin Hatch vowed to pursue a bipartisan solution to help protect DREAMers.

But talk is cheap, Arthur. For the hundreds of thousands of young people who will be at risk of being deported from the only country they call home, platitudes aren't enough.

Republicans have the power to pass legislation that will protect DREAMers. We must hold them accountable for Trump's heartless attack and demand they take action right away — before it's too late.

Add your name and tell Congress to keep the American dream alive for these young people:



Jess O'Connell
Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee 

The DNC wants to talk about keeping the American Dream alive–but for whom?

The American Dream is for … Americans.

Not for illegal aliens, not for foreign nationals, not for law breakers.

The Democratic Party has been dedicated to creating another permanent underclass of voters who will keep liberals in power. They want to play off the emotions of conservatives and Republican lawmakers, many of whom are tripping over themselves to seem compassionate.

As long as our government continues to play the pity card and show more caring for illegal aliens rather than United States citizens, they will simply prove that they have no compassion for the very people who elected them, with whom they have established a clear social compact.

The Democratic Party has exhausted their illegal alien pity card, and people are no longer buying it.

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