By Nick Green, Daily Breeze
The Trump administration’s decision Tuesday to punt the
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to Congress prompted strong
criticism from South Bay elected officials to the immigration policy change
that could affect tens of thousands of Californians.

Here’s a sample of the reaction from prominent local

Sadly, where are any of the few remaining Republican elected officials?
Why haven't they had their say?

• Rep. Nanette Barragan, D-San Pedro: “I’m fired up and I’m
angry about the decision the president made today on DACA. What about the
promise the government made to these young people? They said, if you come
forward and come out of the shadows, we’re going to protect your information.
What about that promise?

Barack Obama lied to all of them, Cousin No No! And we took you down like a boss during your one little town hall in Carson because you were  more interested in pushing an left-wing, anti-Trump agenda instead of helping American citizens.
Now Cousin No No wants to make this a campaign issue so that she can keep stealing the Latino vote.
“I want every dreamer to know that I stand with them, that
I’m going to fight like hell here in Congress to make sure that we protect
them, to make sure we honor the promise that we made.

Do you stand with American dreamers? Their dreamers matter, since they are the ones this country's government is intended to protect.
“These people are doctors, are teachers, are neighbors; in
my case, my cousin. I call on Congress and my colleagues across the aisle who
have been speaking up on this issue in support of DACA protections to do more
than speak, and to act, and to act now, and to act fast.”

If her cousin is in the United States illegally, why doesn't she adopt the cousin?
• Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Manhattan Beach: “As an immigrant to the
United States — brought here when I was three years old — I know that our
nation’s embrace of immigrants is what makes it great. Trump’s cowardly
decision to end DACA goes against the very forces that have made America an
exceptional country.

Immigrants, yes; but not illegal aliens. Lyin' Ted entered the United States legally.
“Deporting hundreds of thousands of Asians and Latinos —
nearly half of whom were brought to the U.S. before the age of 7— is not only
cruel, it will hurt our economy. One report estimates an economic loss of $460
billion over the next decade.

Lie. There is nothing cruel about a nation enforcing its immigration laws.
Nothing at all. Cruelty falls into the hands of the Democratic Party, which controlled all branches of government in 2009. That year, they even controlled a filibuster-proof majority in the US Senate, and yet they did NOTHING on immigration.
Two years prior, Barack Obama announced his vocal opposition to illegal immigration, and the need for the United States to secure the borders.
“I stand firmly with my Democratic colleagues to fight this
action and do whatever we can to protect DREAMers. I call on Speaker Ryan to
work with Democrats to extend the DACA program through legislation.”

Speaker Ryan does not have to work with anyone. He is the Speaker of the House. Will he have the guts, however, to do what is right for American citizens instead of pandering to illegal aliens while bending over for the Chamber of Commerce?
• South Bay county Supervisor Janice Hahn: “When I was in
Congress, I helped local young people register for DACA. I saw them get into
college. I saw them get their dream jobs. For the first time they dared to plan
for bright futures and believe that the American dream applied to them.

Hahn needs to be arrested. She is part of the problem in Los Angeles County, pushing lawlessness and disregard for federal immigration laws. Where is the compassion for our homeless, for our veterans, for the disabled and mentally ill Americans in our communities, in Los Angeles County?!
What about the hundreds of thousands of young Californians looking for work? What about the black communities in South Los Angeles, which have endured unprecedented violence because of illegal aliens and their militant street gangs and drug cartels?
When will the Board of Supervisors take a serious stance against the drug trade and the addictions ravaging our cities? The drugs coming across the Southern Border have to stop. 
“AG Jeff Sessions claimed the decision to kill DACA was the
American thing to do. I don’t buy that and neither should you. Being American
means recognizing others’ success is part of the tide that lifts all boats and
is not a threat to your own livelihood.”

I do not care what Hahn accepts or does not accept. She had no business working in league with treasonous actions to undermine the sovereignty and security of the United States and her citizens. Janice Hahn is a disgrace to her family name. Her father Kenneth Hahn worked hard for African-Americans, to ensure that their civil rights were honored and protected. Now she is undermining her father's legacy

• Los Angeles Councilman Joe Buscaino: “While the Trump
administration attempts to pass the buck on this decision to Congress, we all
know based on the evidence of the past eight months that it is unlikely
Congress or the president will have the moral courage, negotiating skills or
willpower to pass the DREAM Act within this arbitrary six-month deadline.
Joe Buscaino is another shameful sellout in the San Pedro region. He used to be a Republican, but switched his registration to make nice with the Big Labor bullies and the illegal alien panderers.
What has happened to this region? Working Americans of all backgrounds are being pushed to the background, while the rest of the country is thriving and working again! Enough! Buscaino is the city councilman for District 15 in California, not in Mexico, China, or the Middle East.
“In the meantime, over 223,000 hard-working DACA recipients
in California and hundreds of thousands more nationwide will face the undue burden
of fear and uncertainty as Congress and the president play politics with their
lives, families, and jobs.

That is 223,000 illegal aliens too many in the state of California. Thanks for letting us know, Joe.
Thanks for letting us know.

“Over 72% of Americans support allowing DACA recipients to
stay in the United States, which further highlights the harsh and cruel nature
of this morning’s decision to choose politics over American values and the
lives of thousands of youth.”

No they do not. The more that we show the crime statistics tied to these young illegal aliens, the more that people will realize that this is a sham program which should never have been implemented.
Final Reflection
The media is brazenly corrupt in its complicity to push illegal immigration and to promote the concerns of the poor illegals while ignoring the needs of American citizens. We have so many young people who are struggling to find good paying jobs in California. I know many American Millennials who work two jobs just to save up for an over-priced education at a local college or university. What about their needs? What about their dreams? Don't they matter?
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