The Repeal of DACA was a great, great day!

I am so glad that the President rolled it back.

I was really glad to hear Attorney General Jeff Sessions

So, in the morning, I had all kinds of fun shouting and celebrating our President and the Attorney General putting an end to that corrupt, unconstitutional program.

Then I prepared for Huntington Park.

I had no idea who was going to show up.

Would the "Defend Movement" make any kind of appearance this time?

Or would they slink away or not bother to show up, as had happened at the last city council meeting?

Check out some of the photos I took!

What the heck was all of this?!

All the seats were taken away from average visitors, except for the last two rows.

This is all a violation of the Brown Act.

But at least I was able to record some victories for our team, before and during public comment:

I also celebrated our President's victory down stairs!

And yes, some of the heifer Brown Supremacists did show up:

Debi Jones wanted me to get her good side. I told her that she did not have one.

Notice how they dishonor our flag, too, during the flag salute:

But it made no difference.

We the People Rising showed up in full force and full love for President and for country:

Here's the video of public comment:

Here are the highlights.

Yes, I let loose. I cannot help myself. It was so great to celebrate our President's latest action putting Americans first.

No more DACA!

I slammed the city council for their lawlessness, appointing two illegal aliens to city commissions.

I also hammered Jhonny Pineda for the hateful remarks he allowed on his Facebook page. I then in turn called him some pretty nasty names. The Brown Supremacists/heifers got really angry and started cursing and shouting. They were clearly out of order!

Sanabria had to slam them, then I could slam here for being such a stickler for the rule of law, all while ignoring our nation's federal laws!

Elsa Aldeguer arrived with her son Sean. She spoke in Spanish how much she supported our President.

There were more of us than there were of the Brown Supremacists!

In fact, Silvia "Diet Pills" Merlos did finally show up–late!

She didn't get to speak, and we just made fun of her in great fashion.

It was a successful day, even with the hatemongers there to cause trouble.

It was even better because during public comment, Jaguar "The Heifer" Redfeather–who actually has some other name–stormed out of the meeting altogether. He could not handle all the winning we were enjoying and rubbing in their faces!

RG Wong, aka Madam Swann, disrupted the meeting with an air horn, but Sergeant at Arms Joseph "Curly" Settles did nothing about it.


What a joke!

We all left the building, and I took out my bullhorn chanting "USA! USA!"

This was a welcome, stark contrast to the bigotry and hatred stirred up by Silvia and her hatemonger race-baiters last time.

What a wonderful day!

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