OK …

So what happened to me at Downey Courthouse on September 6th?

I was scheduled to appear in court because of a citation following my arrest on June 6th, 2017 in the Huntington Park City Council.

I was cited for PC 148(a)(1) and 403.

I showed up at the court house, and my name was not on the criminal calendar!

What is going on?

Hey, at least I did appear as instructed, and I received a certificate of appearance, too.

Then, about four hours later, I received the following email:

Citation HP169301


Kraut, P

Wed 9/6, 12:03 PM


You forwarded this message on 9/6/2017 12:18 PM
Mr. Schaper,
I would like to inform you that our agency has submitted a Notice of Correction and Proof of Service for citation HP169301, noting a change in court date.  The court date reflected on your citation is being changed from 09-06-17 to 10-xx-17 [I will reserve this information for a later date].   A copy of the Notice of Correction and Proof of Service has been mailed to your residence as of this morning.  If you have any questions, I can be reached at the below listed contact number and email. 
Lieutenant Patrick Kraut
Huntington Park Police Department
6542 Miles Avenue, Huntington Park Ca 90255
(323) 826-6641


Notice that the email went out at 12:03pm …


They had three months to file the paperwork with the district attorney's office.

Three months. They couldn't take 15 minutes out of the day from anyone of the staffers in the police department to file the case?

Really?! Uh … NOPE!

The original notice I had received told me to go to court at 8:30am, earlier that day.

This is the best that the Huntington Park police department can do?

I called Lieutenant Kraut within 15 minutes of receiving this email (and I will be receiving an official letter from them, too, regarding this correction).

He apologized, since he had been out of the office, and he regretted that he had not given me this notice sooner.


Oh please. This is a petty move by highers-up to try and give me a hard time.

There is no case here, folks. This action was a brazen disregard of the rule of law, to have me arrested when I was not out of order or disrupting the meeting in any way. Frankly, I believe that the Huntington Park Sergeant at Arms and the chief were crapping in their pants because I refused to leave when ordered to. They had no right or standing to do so.

Now they have to pay the price.

And just three days prior, two more Huntington Park residents complained to the city council about unjust actions against them because of the … wait for it … Huntington Park police department.


They want to mess with me and other freedom-loving citizens because they placed me under false arrest?


Either way, I intend to stand for my rights–just as many people before us have done.

Thanks to all the wonderful California patriots who were able to join me in this legal fight.

Thank you all!

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