The Daily Breeze just printed another letter of mine.
This letter was a real treat, since I was celebrating the end of DACA.
That corrupt, unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals was a real sore spot for me–and for many in this country who want our immigration laws enforced.

The lack of enforcement is bad enough–but in states like California, outright defiance of federal immigration laws has reached such a fevered pitch.
Democrats are fed up with illegal immigration, as well as Republicans and Independents.
When I saw in article in the paper focusnig on the plight of the "poor illegals", I had had enough.
Here's the letter I wrote:
Once again, the local press fawns over the plight of the poor illegal aliens, who now no longer have DACA to cover their unlawful presence in our country.
Why do I have to read about these illegal alien youths, aka “DREAMers,” at length in the local paper? Our American kids are the only dreamers we should care about.
Why won’t they report on the crime and corruption hurting American families?
Why do our elected officials care more about these illegal alien youths, instead of focusing on the pressing issues facing American citizens, including the younger generation?
Californians, in Los Angeles County in particular, are facing unprecedented homelessness and poverty. Opioid addiction is raging in communities throughout the South Bay. We have homeless veterans, mentally ill and foster kids, Americans of all ages who need our help.
Our elected officials need to focus on making the South Bay great again — for Americans.

— Arthur Christopher Schaper, Torrance

What was really striking about this letter, though, was not just that they finally printed something I had written, the first time in over five months.

They actually kept the words "illegal alien" in the print!


This is a real win. Normally, when I had submitted letters including the phrase "illegal alien", the newspaper would alter the terms to read "undocumented immigrant" or "unauthorized."

Not this time! I wonder what's happening at the Daily Breeze, or with the Southern California News Group as a whole. that they are finally printing the accurate statement to identify those individuals in our country illegally …

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