This is so much fun to watch.

I have to admit–I have received at least ten e-blasts from all the left-wing groups that I have signed on. They are desperate, frantic to do just about anything possible to save the poor little "DREAMers."

Ruben Morfin, American citizen
was a dreamer, too! (1977-1990)
Killed by an illegal alien

Of course, they are not DREAMers, folks — they are part of the 30 year nightmare in which Republicans have endured the guilt trip of "doing something" about the illegal aliens brought to the United States as little children.

But wait … why is this my problem? Why is this the problem for any American citizen in the country? Enough already!

We have every right and necessity to protect our own borders, to ensure that the American Government cares for the needs of American citizens.

If anyone has a problem with that, well, they can move to another country.

At any rate, check out the latest hostile frantic, frustration of the movement.

They are desperate to do something–anything–to keep the illegal kids, who are now adults and doing great damage to this country.

Hi Arthur— 

This Tuesday, I'll be in Washington, D.C., to personally deliver nearly 200,000 signatures of MoveOn members who have signed MoveOn's petition defending DACA and supporting a clean Dream Act—as part of a delivery of one million signatures from the organization I work for, United We Dream, MoveOn, and other progressive groups. Before I go, I want to make sure that you have the chance to add your name.
Since Donald Trump declared he'd end DACA, which provides protections for 800,000 immigrants who came to America as children, I've been frightened. This decision affects me and my family; DACA has allowed me to work, build my life in America, and contribute to my community.

But I've also been inspired by the national surge of activism to defend DACA and to call on Congress to pass a clean Dream Act immediately, to protect 800,000 people, including myself, from deportation.
Together, we'll win this fight.
—Greisa Martinez

The original message from Corinne Ball at is below.

Congress must deliver a clean, stand-alone DREAM Act to provide legal protections for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants so cruelly impacted by the Trump administration's decision to end the popular Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Dear MoveOn member,

Donald Trump just put more than 800,000 immigrant youth at risk by ending the popular Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.1

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke said in a statement that no people currently on DACA will be affected for six months "so Congress can have time to deliver on appropriate legislative solutions."2 That's why we need to reach lawmakers immediately. 
Click here to sign our emergency petition: Demand that Congress deliver a clean, stand-alone DREAM Act to provide legal protections for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants.
DACA has protected young people who came to this country as children and have deep roots in our communities. Now, they are facing an uncertain future because of Trump's callous plan.

Trump is facing fierce resistance from immigrants, their families and allies, business leaders, and municipal leaders across the country.3,4,5 And now some Republicans—including House Speaker Paul Ryan—are starting to speak out.6

But speaking out is not enough. Congress must act.
Will you sign and share our emergency petition and stand up for 800,000 immigrant youth? Congress must use its power to stop Trump—now.
Immigration arrests have increased 38% in Trump's first six months in office, with more than half a million people in detention centers awaiting immigration hearings.7 These arrests and deportations rip families and communities apart, and Trump continues to use inflammatory, anti-immigrant rhetoric that is being repeated across the country.

Every member of Congress should act swiftly to pass a clean, stand-alone DREAM Act. Inaction or opposition from members of Congress is unacceptable and will be viewed as support for Trump’s cruel ending of DACA.

And any bill that uses immigrant youth as bargaining chips—putting more deportation agents on the streets to round up and jail Dreamers' parents, friends, family members or funding Trump's wasteful border wall—is a non-starter. Congress must reject those bills.
Only a clean, stand-alone DREAM Act will do. We need courageous action by Congress to counter Trump's cowardice.

Thanks for all you do.
–Corinne, Mark, Iram, Vicki and the rest of the team
1. "Trump Moves to End to DACA and Calls on Congress to Act," The New York Times, September 5, 2017

2. "Sessions announces end of DACA," Axios, September 5, 2017

3. "The resistance is ready for its next big fight with Trump," Vox, August 30, 2017
4. "Hundreds of business leaders call on Trump to protect 'dreamers,'" The Washington Post, September 1, 2017
5. "Bipartisan Mayors to Trump: Protect Dreamers, Continue DACA Program," The United States Conference of Mayors, August 29, 2017
6. "Paul Ryan, other GOP congressional leaders urge Trump not to terminate DACA," The Washington Post, September 1, 2017
7. "Immigration arrests up 38% nationwide under Trump," USA Today, May 17, 2017
You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.

Final Reflection

I think that President Trump played his decision out very well.

If he had tried to pull out this unconstitutional program right away, it would have stymied whatever else was outstanding in his aggressive agenda. It's not his fault that the United States Congress had no interest in making his agenda happen.

That's their fault.

Notice also how references Paul Ryan's begging for Trump not to terminate DACA. Shame on this despicable fraud! When do we get rid of this guy?

What does not realize, however, is that Republicans do not like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, or the rest of the GOP two-step consultant class which is slowly losing their grip on power in Washington DC.

Mayors are clamoring for Trump to protect DACA? Who cares what they think? They are just a part of the problem if they insist on undermining our nation's immigration laws., you are desperate and delusional if you think that the President is going to go along with amnesty, or that your 200,000+ petitions are going to make a difference with the Congressional delegation, who have more to fear in 2018 from the middle-income and struggled working-class voters who stumped for Trump in large numbers.

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