I do not share the same pessimism as some outspoken conservatives in the Trump movement.

I do believe that we are winning the culture wars–but we are not showing that kind of strength in California as is happening elsewhere in the country.

Despite the seeming setbacks in Deep Blue states, the truth is that more Americans are rejecting a great deal of the regressive, leftist propaganda.

The uprising against Target for allowing men to go into women's bathrooms and fitting rooms shows that the momentum against the destruction of life and family is no longer being taken lightly.

Men and women all over the country have voted with their feet and with their dollars–they refuse to fund and support this transgenderism nonsense.

The latest filings and stock reports on Target could not make it clearer: their sales are in total freefall!

Target to slash prices on thousands of items, sending shares tumbling

It's looking really bad for the company.
They expanded their merchandising. They brought in foodstuffs to sell to the public, too.
But the moment that they decided to ignore natural law and allow men into women's bathrooms, everything fell apart for them. Now no one wants to shop there!
Here's more from the CNBC report:
Target shares dropped after the retailer posted a blog on
Friday, promising to lower prices on thousands of goods.
The cuts will be on items including cereal, paper towels,
baby formula, razors and bath tissue, Target said. And the news comes just days
after Amazon started cutting prices at Whole Foods' stores across America.
Target shares were trading around 3 percent lower Friday
afternoon on the announcement.

Of course, the real uestion is "why do they have to drop their prices?"
Because no one is shopping there anymore.
Target made itself a target when they decided that it would be A-OK to play the transgenderism card. Now corrupted and perverse men are taking advantage of this policy. They entered into women's bathrooms as they claim that they are female. Then the same perverse men take advantage of this privacy invasion to film women and children.
The store is rightly called "Target", because they are turning women and children into targets for abuse!
I cannot wait to see the whole corporation go under for attacking natural law and the natural order of  man!
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