


Arthur, there are two things in life that are certain – death and taxes. These are two realities of life that no one likes and when you combine them together, nothing good can come from it. As Speaker Paul Ryan is expected to release a tax priorities "outline" sometime this week, the time has come to kill the estate tax – or the dreaded "Death Tax."

True to its name, the "Death Tax" is when a loved one passes away and the U.S. Government seizes the family farm, ranch, and/or business as the result of the owner's death.


Club for Growth believes it's way past time to eliminate the Death Tax. Congress needs to get busy on real tax reform for all tax-paying Americans — but when they address cutting taxes overall, it's imperative that they end the crippling Death Tax as well.

Arthur, what taxes will your family be left with paying? It's time to demand real tax reform — add your name to the Club for Growth's "Kill the Death Tax" Petition today!

We're the leading free-enterprise advocacy group in the nation, we win tough policy battles and we have an enormous influence on economic policy — but we're only effective when you take the opportunity to join the fight and sign our URGENT "Kill the Death Tax" Petition NOW!

I look forward to seeing your name beside mine, Arthur!

For Freedom,

David McIntosh
President, Club for Growth

P.S. — Arthur, we've waited far too long for Congress to lift the crippling burden of the so-called "Death Tax" on American families. It's time to demand real tax reform — add your name to the Club for Growth's "Kill the Death Tax" Petition today! 

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