

The Washington elite are worried sick.

And they’ve now entered FULL PANIC MODE.  Can I count on you to chip in a donation to help me fight back?

You see, tomorrow night Luther Strange and I square off in a televised, statewide debate — Lincoln-Douglas style.

That’s why the McConnell-controlled Senate Leadership Fund dropped over $830,000 into Alabama to purchase another last-minute round of vicious attacks against me and my campaign.

McConnell’s cronies are planning to gobble up all the ad space — before, during and after the debate — and FLOOD it with vicious lies, smears and attacks against me, my wife and my family.

But rest assured — I won’t back down.

Luther Strange can’t hide behind McConnell’s attack dogs tomorrow night.

He can’t ask slick D.C. consultants and fancy wordsmiths how to answer or what to say.

Tomorrow night Luther Strange has to face off “MANO-A-MANO” against me.

Arthur, I need you in my corner when the bell rings.

Can I count on you to stand with me by chipping in the maximum amount you can afford to let me know you’ve got my back?

As I told you yesterday, right now I don’t have the funds to run our Voter Outreach GOTV Operations full throttle through Election Day.

Without an immediate influx of resources, I’ll be forced to scale back or completely cut portions of these critical operations —while the establishment is spending MILLIONS attacking me in Alabama.
So won’t you please let me know you’re with me by chipping in the maximum donation you can afford at once?

Thank you so much for standing with me at this critical moment.

Click HERE to chip in a donation to help me deliver a knock-out blow to McConnell and the Washington elite.

Your support means the world to me.


Judge Roy Moore


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