I spent a great part of my previous week in Washington DC lobbying US Senators and House Reps to hold the line against amnesty and to stand with the American people to protect Americans and our national interests.

Yet some lawmakers never learn. They really think that they can kick their base in the face (and the teeth), and then they will come back to the general election ballot box and vote for more of the same.

Not going to happen.

A constituent in Nevada received a formal letter outlining US Senator Dean Heller's full stance on immigration issues, particularly the fate of the young Nightmares.

It is demoralizing, to say the least:

The BRIDGE Act would grant leagal status to the 800,000 plus illegal aliens who were brought here as youths.

I spoke to the staffers in his DC office. I could not make it more abundantly clear that these young illegals are not by and large American citizens who simply lack legal status.

In too many cases, they have turned into virulent activists who want everything outlined and flowing their way because they have shouted loud enough and taken up the public square with their demands, and theirs only.

The most fundamental outrage I have about all of this is pretty basic: why are our elected officials getting all up in arms about these illegal aliens? American citizens need to be the first, foremost, and final priority. Whatever responses one outlines for the illegal aliens in this country must work in the best interests of the American citizenry and our country.

What does that mean? Deporting illegal aliens of all ages, regardless of their point or means of entry. This situation is not my problem–nor is it the fault of anyone else besides the selfish parents who bound their children into this terrible plight.

Then add to this mess the Democratic Party's cynical political power-mongering to line up their election chances for a generation. We the People did not create this mess, so why should we have to pay any more?

Heller's selling out didn't stop there with the BRIDGE Act:

Heller plays the "nation of immigrants" card.

WRONG! We are a nation of citizens. We are nation of laws. The rule of law, and the compact of a free citizenry into one political culture belongs to us Americans and to all men and women who enter the United States legally.

Once again, Heller is more interested in the plight of illegal aliens than United States Citizens. If only our lawmakers spent as much time and energy on secure our borders instead of pandering to immigrants, this country would be better for all!

Here are the final comments from the constituent who received this letter:

Receive this today!! Please don't  share with my name. Dean is DONE. 

He sold out to casino owners. 


I have a letter from when I called him out on voting down, months back on Health Care. Heller wrote back and said he supported Obamacare, wanted to make some changes. He was working with Cassidy and Graham however when that was presented this week Heller's name wasn't on that bill. 

He lies, and he will be voted out. I told you few weeks back I am helping Danny T. Republican who supports Our President, We the People. We have our first meet and greet I put together this coming Friday night. You actually helped me to stand up in my community, watching you guys over there gave me courage to stand up here.  If we don't they (the corrupt will take over). 

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