Senators Tillis and Lankford Unveil MASSIVE Amnesty Bill

Earlier today, Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and James Lankford (R-OK) unveiled a broad amnesty for MILLIONS of illegal aliens as a legislative "solution" for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Their bill, the SUCCEED Act, would cover three times as many illegal aliens as the DACA program and provide a path to citizenship. Also, the bill contains no immigration enforcement provisions. It is a clean amnesty – plain and simple.
After the election of a president who ran on the promise of real immigration enforcement, these Republican lawmakers have abandoned any pretense of support for sound immigration management and the rule of law. They must hear your voice loud and clear.
Call Sens. Tillis and Lankford and tell them you OPPOSE their massive amnesty bill – the SUCCEED Act.
Also remind them that President Trump was elected on a mandate from the American people to put forth a multi-pronged plan for immigration enforcement and legal immigration reform, which includes:
  • Passage of the RAISE Act, which will move the nation to a merit-based legal immigration system;
  • Senate passage of Kate's Law and the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, already passed in the House with strong bi-partisan support;
  • Construction of the border wall;
  • Increased interior immigration enforcement;
  • Mandatory, nationwide E-Verify.
Sen. Tillis can be reached at 202-224-6342 and Sen. Lankford can be reached at 202-224-5754. FAIR also encourages you to make your voice heard on their social media pages.
Thank you for holding these pro-amnesty lawmakers accountable.
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