Yes, this is how desperate the Democratic Party has become.

They are barely a regional party. Their elected leaders control elitist enclaves or third-world hell-holes, with nothing to show for their efforts but graft, corruption, and sexual perversion.

But in spite of all the losses and failures, including one special election after another, Tom Perez is absolutely convinced that they have a shot at the US Senate seat in Alabama.

Can you say "Delusional"?


Split a donation between Doug Jones and the DNC to help elect Doug to Congress and Democrats around the country.

Do you know what a "Kansas City Shuffle" is, Arthur?

It's a confidence scam that relies on sleight of hand and misdirection to distract people from seeing what's really going on — and that's exactly what Republicans in Congress are trying to pull over on the American people today.

As Donald Trump captures the spotlight every single day, his cronies Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are waiting in the shadows, biding their time for the right moment to turn their party's agenda into laws that hurt hardworking American families. We're seeing it right now with their latest health care scheme.

The way we stop them is by winning elections. We have a real opportunity to take back a seat in the Senate this December in Alabama, where Doug Jones — a lifelong fighter for middle-class Democratic values — is running to take over Jeff Sessions' vacant Senate seat.

Winning this race means having another voice in the Senate to fight back against Trump and sending a message to the entire Republican Party that Democrats can win anywhere. That's the exact kind of momentum Democrats need to give our candidates the boost needed to mobilize and win in 2018.

Let's use our grassroots power to show Doug Jones and Democrats running in Alabama and across the country we have their backs — pitch in $3 or more today to split a donation between Doug's campaign and the DNC.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately and be divided evenly between the DNC and Doug Jones for Senate.

Or donate another amount.

Thank you,


Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee

Maybe we should applaud and promote their ongoing, insane disconnect from reality. They have nothing to run on, no leader to look to, and no agenda to promote.

Let's hope that the Democratic Party will keep embracing this delusional, even as they ignore the growing Republican insurgency around the country, and the incredible MAGA agenda victories of our President. And also while the continue to ignore the never-ending corruption of the DNC which has turned off so many voters and liberals that they simply refuse to affiliate with the party of Crooked Hillary and Arrogant Obama.

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