For the last thirty years, it was crystal clear to many that the media bias was so slanted toward protecting Democrats at all costs, that they could commit the most egregious personal crimes and pretty much get away with it.

This fallout was particularly clear in the case of Bill Clinton, who had soiled the Presidency with his personal affairs, then lied under oath to a grand jury about his infidelities. How could the Democratic Party continue to stand by their man?

The Republican Party leadership did not have clean hands or faithful vows, either. New Gingrich was having an adulterous affair, too, but he had resigned–and he did not lie under oath about his infidelities. His supposed replacement was Bob Livingston, but he had cheated on his wife, too.

Then there was Dennis Hastert–lo and behold, he had molested his high school students when he had served as a wrestling coach. He had left office by the time these disgusting crimes were revealed.

 So, what is the difference in the midst of all this despicable behavior?

Republicans went away. Their base would not tolerate such disgraceful behavior. The actions of these elected officials came to light, and they ran away as they should have. The Democratic Party continues to stand with these perverts, and even defends them.

Who can forget Gerry Studs of Massachusetts?! This guy was sleeping with one of his pages! Disgusting! Let's not forget Bwaney Fwank of the same Bay State! One of his lovers was running a brothel out of his own office! SICK!

The Mayor of Seattle, Washington, a hard-core progressive Democrat, had to step down following the fifth–that's right, FIFTH–accuser calling him out for child molestation. Where is the national outrage on this?

The Democratic Party has embraced the destructive LGBT Agenda at its fullest, and they are reaping the results of this destructive agenda. These behaviors result from all forms of child abuse. I cannot believe how many people have come forward from the gay lifestyle, announcing that they had been molested as children. This evil has to be confronted. We cannot normalize sin and then wonder why it proliferates.

So, back to Weiner-gate.

The media had to cover at great length that the former Congressman, well-known for lashing out at Republicans for killing a crony-filled funding package to help fund First Responders during 9-11. There is nothing wrong with proper compensation for first responders, There is plenty wrong with cronyism and graft.

There was even more wrong with Weiner, though, and he didn't want to come clean about it. This guy was sexting people pictures of his private parts. He was abusing his office to solicit sexual favors. This is such unbecoming behavior. What's worse, he not only denied the allegations for weeks, but the media tried to cover for him.

Breitbart took him down like a boss, refusing to let this corrupt, perverted politico to get away with it.

That was only the beginning. Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to pressure Anthony Weiner to resign, or he would lose all his committee assignments next. Imagine that! An outsider-reported named Andrew Breitbart got more done in two weeks than the Republican minority had managed to accomplish in six months.

Incredible, but true.

The media is still very much to blame for Weiner's disgusting behavior. Magazine features and articles tried to play up Anthony Weiner as a brand new man, a troubled former politician who needed to be restored, who needed to get back to the basics.

Nothing could have been further from the truth, and the voters of New York City let him have it when Weiner, in his brazen need for attention and power ran for Mayor following Bloomberg's decision to step down from office. He was still sexting other women online, hiding behind the name "Carlos Danger". He was even sexting people with his little baby right next to him! Those actions invited federal investigation in this online predatory behavior.

He lost the primary against Commie Bill de Blasio. The marriage looked like it was going to fail, but Huma Abedin stood by her man … still. Why didn't she think about what was best for her child? What is it with these Democratic politicos? Don't they have any shame left?

I guess some of them do. What happened in 2016 and into 2017 brought down Weiner at last. He was connected with under-age girls, sending them lewd pictures of himself. He was caught, convicted, and finally sentenced.

Yet throughout the whole affair, as the media played it up for all to read, no one has slammed him harshly. He has pretty much gotten away with a soft-pedalled rebuke for his behavior. One article noted that he press spent more time feeling sorry for Crooked Hillary, since part of the reason she lost is the contents in wife Huma's computer, which in turn reopened the FBI investigation. Democrats will not accept that Crooked Hillary was a terrible candidate. She was dishonest, wicked, unpleasant, the fakest person one could hope to meet. She was a tired commodity who cheated to get the nomination. Nobody liked her, even the Democrats themselves, who noticed her icy, hateful disdain for American people. "Basket of Deplorables" said it all.

But back to Weiner. Does anyone not get it by now? This man is really sick, really wicked, has serious issues. Yet the media still gives a hint of tragedy rather than stern disdain for what he did. The media roasted Todd Akin for saying "legitimate rape," when the Missouri Congressman turned US Senate candidate was trying to explain his pro-life views. The media went nuts with those comments, going to every length they could to drag down every other Republican candidate with this "War on Women" nonsense.

But Weiner takes picture of his weiner, sexts these images to other women, and even tries to solicit naked pictures from young girls–and the media spends more time spinning out a soap opera. What about other victims of this behavior? What about the fact that the Democratic Party has a bizarre penchant for recruiting and standing by these perverts in the first place?!

And the media soft-pedals this disgusting behavior when Democrats engage in it.

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