The Virginia Governor's race is falling closer and closer toward a Republican victory.

Ed Gillespie has championed pocketbook issues, certainly.

He has also worked much harder than his Democratic opponent Ralph Northam.

Republican resurgence in this state has become so strong, that Barack Obama has gotten terrified about what could happened here.

Keep your eyes on the Old Dominion. In spite of the usual trend for Virginia's gubernatorial race to go opposite to the party in the White House.

What we will see here should surprise plenty, and ensure that a leader who wants to Make Virginia Great Again will win!


"We need you to take this seriously. Our democracy is at stake."
–President Barack Obama


I am shocked I'm saying this too but President Obama is absolutely right. This election is too important, our future is on the line and Arthur you can't sit this one out.

The election is just days away, and national Democrats & wealthy out of state donors are pouring money into the race to defeat me.

That's why I am asking you to make a critical contribution right now to help me ensure this election is decided by Virginia voters, and not the Democrat Machine.

Arthur, will you help me fight for Virginia's future?

   DONATE NOW  >>  

Arthur, the fact that Obama's campaigning for my opponent Ralph Northam is a serious red flag.

Obama and his liberal allies believe if they can win in Virginia, they can then use Virginia as a testing ground to reinstate their failed agenda, and establish a stronghold to continue obstructing national reforms.

Are you prepared to endure Obama's disastrous policies for another four years? If not, please pitch in to help me defeat National Democrats' yes-man, Ralph Northam.

Your critical donation will ensure that we have the resources in these final days leading up to Election Day to battle back against the Democrat Machine and their wealthy donors who are trying to buy our Election.

Arthur, will you help me fight for Virginia's future?

   DONATE NOW  >>  

We are running out of time, so please, stand with me today.


Ed Gillespie

P.S. Your critical donation will ensure that we have the resources in these final days leading up to Election Day to battle back against the Democratic Machine and their wealthy donors who are trying to buy our Election.

Arthur, will you help me fight for Virginia's future?

   DONATE NOW  >>  


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